Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-11-09
Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-11-09
Time: 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST
Location: Samvera Connect meeting; Grand Parlour B
Moderator: Eben English (Boston Public Library)
Notetaker: Eben English
- Eben English (BPL)
- Brian McBride (Utah)
- Sean Upton (Utah)
- Kalee Sprague (Yale)
- Randall Floyd (Indiana)
- Ongoing work
- IUPUI / Indiana
- Andy Smith at IUPUI has done quite a bit of work on newspaper ingest
- App based on CurationConcerns and Princeton's Plum?
- Migrating content from CONTENTdm
- Have YAML format for describing structural metadata used for ingest
- Crosswalking between METS structural metadata and YAML format
- Yale
- Has CONTENTdm stuff, wants to migrate
- Article-level segmentation
- Can provide samples
- Eben will send Kalee a link to Google Drive folder where BPL-Utah grant project is collecting samples
- IUPUI / Indiana
- PCDM model review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T_gKqkKoik7h9WweYB46S9NrwAXmJTB0g3hCrqH3Q6Q/edit?usp=sharing
- Proxy ordering for articles in issues
- Still unsure if this is needed.
- Files for articles
- Articles may have binary files representing the page image segment
- Generic vs. specific
- Question was raised about whether this model is too specific too newspaper content, might be daunting to some implementers
- Could potentially pursue a more generic 'paged media' model
- Do newspapers have any intrinsic features that are not shared with other common paged media objects such as books or magazines?
- Could call it 'Periodical' rather than 'Newspaper'?
- More thought needed.
- ArcLight may have some modeling that could be useful?
- Performance could be an issue
- Indiana ran into performance problems when objects had more than 200 pages or so.
- Valkyrie provides better performance.
- Proxy ordering for articles in issues