Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2019-11-07

Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2019-11-07

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Meeting ID: 993 200 218
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Time: 1PM EST / 12PM CT / 11AM MST / 10AM PTD

FacilitatorEben English (Boston Public Library)


Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Samvera_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2019-11-07


  • Eben English (BPL)
  • Moira Downey (Duke)


  1. NewspaperWorks update
    1. Features added since last meeting
      1. OCR snippets in search results
      2. TIFF/JP2 master file batch ingest
      3. More robust I18n support
    2. Moved to samvera-labs
      1. Github: https://github.com/samvera-labs/newspaper_works
    3. Officially released 1.0.0 and 1.0.1
      1. https://rubygems.org/gems/newspaper_works
    4. Presentation at Samvera Connect
      1. Slides available here.

  2. Newspapers Testing
    1. Test site: https://newspaperworks.digitalnewspapers.org
    2. Vagrant: https://github.com/marriott-library/samvera-newspapers-vagrant
    3. Wiki: https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works/wiki

  3. Features on the roadmap
    1. Support Hyrax 3.0.0.rc*
    2. article-level batch ingest
      1. need more samples/examples
    3. geographic browse (https://github.com/samvera-labs/newspaper_works/issues/206)
    4. timeline visualization (https://github.com/samvera-labs/newspaper_works/issues/199)

  4. Intel sharing from other groups/projects
    1. IIIF Newspapers Group
      1. 10/23/19 meeting notes.
    2. Duke has potential use case for using NewspaperWorks to provide access to student newspaper collection currently in CONTENTdm
  5. Next meeting: 
    1. Thursday, January 9 2019