Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-04-06

Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-04-06

Time: 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Moderator:  Eben English (Boston Public Library)

Notetaker:  Betsy Post (Etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Hydra_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2017-04-06)



  1. PCDM discussion continued
    1. Examples:
      1. U. of Maryland: https://wiki.duraspace.org/download/attachments/77447979/maryland2016hyrdraconnect.pdf
      2. Nat'l Library of Wales:  PCDM Mapping for Welsh Newspapers (NLW)
    2. PCDM Profile
      1. template: https://gist.github.com/anarchivist/981d25acfc1b92ac93a7cf2a9049b4c8
      2. Maryland is currently working on a PCDM profile for newspapers, will publish soon (within the next month) (Josh)
      3. currently working on modeling the text, using web annotation frameworks, ndnp? profile being added

  2. List of requirements: Features & Requirements
    1. NDNP spec - https://www.loc.gov/ndnp/guidelines/NDNPTechSpecs_Overview.pdf
    2. General consensus for awareness/support for alternative orderings/groupings
    3. Bulk Ingest of PDFs - need to clarify the actual specifications for this request and use case examplest
    4. IIIF Mirador for potential community OCR correction / annotation
    5. Need to be aware of how to degrade gracefully with all the different set of requirements
    6. Download clipped articles - veridian feature
    7. Question as to how best serve the coordinate data from Fedora to the IIIF viewer
    8. Does the IIIF API provide translation functions?

  3. Descriptive metadata requirements (as RDF)
    1. Title
    2. Container (microfilm reel)
    3. Issue
    4. Article

  4. Intel sharing from other groups
    1. IIIF Newspapers Group

  5. Next meeting: Thursday May 4, 1 PM EST