Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2019-03-07

Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2019-03-07

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Meeting ID: 993 200 218
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Time: 1PM EST / 12PM CT / 11AM MST / 10AM PTD

FacilitatorEben English (Boston Public Library)

Notetaker:  Brian McBride (University of Utah)

Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Samvera_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2019-03-07



  1. Newspapers Grant update
    1. Github: https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works
    2. Recent dev work
      1. Derivative attachment
      2. IIIF search integration
      3. Metadata facet linking
      4. Vagrant/Ubuntu/Travis Imagemagick wrangling

  2. Newspapers Testing
    1. Vagrant: https://github.com/marriott-library/samvera-vagrant
    2. Test site: https://newspaperworks.digitalnewspapers.org

  3. Feature review: search term highlighting
    1. Highlights on thumbnail: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?proxtext=fortran
    2. OCR snippets: https://newspapers.library.wales/search?query=fortran&lang[]=eng
    3. Hit counts
      1. Go to: https://www.digitalcommonwealth.org/search/commonwealth:70796p41m
      2. Then click “Search inside” and search for “celery”
    4. Text highlight navigation: https://bklyn.newspapers.com/search/#query=henry+ford
    5. Combo: https://digital.bentley.umich.edu/midaily/search?publication=midaily&q=Fortran

  4. Content Examples
    1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BwKKtxaBVqjEbE5zMFdWUEU4WGM?usp=sharing
      1. Still need: TEI, Olive, Veridian

  5. Intel sharing from other groups/projects
    1. CFP for Samvera Virtual Connect 2019 is open (Presentations, Lightning Talks, and WG/IG updates) - https://goo.gl/forms/mM55M2ixq5nQMUiv1

  6. Next meeting: 
    1. Thursday, May 2 2019


Action items
