Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-05-04
Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-05-04
Time: 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Moderator: Eben English (Boston Public Library)
Notetaker: Eben English
- IMLS Grant update
- Project has been funded!: https://www.imls.gov/grants/awarded/lg-70-17-0043-17
- Scheduled to begin in July
- Initial work underway for developer search
- Advisory Committee will be meeting in July or August (conference call)
- If interested in being part of the Adv. Comm., contact Eben directly
- Kickoff meeting with project team in September
- PCDM Profile update
- No update.
- No update.
- Features & Requirements
- Did not go too far into this, due to low attendance
- Discussion of "dashboard" requirement
- allow admins to view collections and item counts
- download usage statistics for collections or items
Metadata Requirements for Newspapers (RDF)
- This page is intended to be a collaborative workspace for listing metadata fields relevant to digitized newspaper objects
- Anyone can add fields, doesn't need to include RDF info.
- Eben will send out reminder to group about this, can hopefully start discussion at next meeting.
- Intel sharing from other groups
- IIIF Newspapers Group
- Link to agenda and meeting notes: https://goo.gl/aPAHpW
- Eben gave overview of IMLS grant
- Demo of NLW journal repository: https://journals.library.wales/
- Changes to how Ranges are modeled being discussed, targeting next release of IIIF Presentation API spec
- Link to agenda and meeting notes: https://goo.gl/aPAHpW
- IIIF Newspapers Group
- Next meeting: Thursday June 1, 1 PM EST