Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-06-01

Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-06-01

Time: 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Moderator: Eben English (Boston Public Library)

Notetaker: TBD (Etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Hydra_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2017-06-01)



  1. IMLS grant update
    1. Developer job position being finalized, should be posted soon
    2. If anyone in group knows someone who might be interested, please forward it on
    3. Doodle poll to schedule Advisory Committee meeting going out next week, hoping for July or August meeting

  2. PCDM profile update
    1. No updates

  3. Features & Requirements
    1. Would be good to get another round of comments; Eben will send out a reminder
    2. Responses in the "Who wants this" column are a good indicator of interest, but not "binding" in terms of prioritizing development
    3. As the grant project moves forward, there will be further opportunity to review and break these into "must have," "nice to have," etc.

  4. Metadata Requirements for Newspapers (RDF)
    1. Intended to be a communally-created list, drawing on expertise of partners with digital newspaper collections
    2. Focus on newspaper-centric metadata (edition, volume, section, pages, etc.)
    3. Eben will add "Comments" column for questions, comments, etc.
    4. Eben will add "Repeatable?" column (NOTE: on 2nd thought, let's hold off on this one for now.)
    5. May move this to a Google Sheet if wiki table format gets unwieldy

  5. Intel sharing from other groups
    1. IIIF Newspapers Group did not meet in May
    2. Plugins working group: this group has basically ended, guidelines have been published
    3. We should consult with the Samvera UX group once the project is further along, get feedback on wireframes, etc.

  6. Next meeting: Thursday July 6 ???
    1. Many people may not be available.
    2. Eben will send follow-up email, get a sense of whether we will have enough people to warrant a meeting
    3. If not, next meeting will be Thursday August 3