Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-01-05

Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-01-05

Time: 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Moderator:  Eben English (Boston Public Library)

Notetaker: TBD (Etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Hydra_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2017-01-05)


(Apologies for the screwed-up numbering - if someone know how to fix this in the wiki editor, please do)


  1. BPL/Utah grant update
  • proposal due Fri. Jan. 13 - working on narrative (90% done), which Eben will share on Google Docs shortly
    - still interested in getting people for advisory committee (invitation sent out in December) - commitment to read and respond to documentation for quarterly call; no travel - contact Eben with brief bio
  1. PCDM profile for newspaper content
    Review of some existing efforts:
    1. U. of Maryland: https://wiki.duraspace.org/download/attachments/77447979/maryland2016hyrdraconnect.pdf
    2. Nat'l Library of Wales:  PCDM Mapping for Welsh Newspapers (NLW) 

  • -differences: UofM doesn't model articles as parts of issue in the way pages are with hasMember - use hasRelatedObject instead - this is based on vendor-generated data to NDNP spec
  • U of M is working with IIIF modelling as well - the PCDM Works Extension is relevant in bridging between PCDM and IIIF: 
  • https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/blob/master/pcdm-ext/works.rdf and also https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/wiki/Works-Extension
  • - discussion of status of PCDM extensions: do we want to rely on them?
  • - discussion of relation to physical artifacts, when e.g. issues are retrospectively reconstructed from aggregation layer (bound volumes or reels of microfilm)
  • - question of ordering of issues: explicit using proxies, or rely on date sort? - need to handle granularity of multiple issues on a given date
  • - Eben will post questions to PCDM group re relatedItem vs hasMember for articles and status of PCDM Extensions (e.g. the current work on FileSets in relation to the Works extension)

  1. Gathering requirements and use cases
  • - model on DSpace working group's wiki pages?  Required Feature Matrix - Eben will set up a similar page for us

  1. Intel sharing from other groups
    1. Hydra Plugins working group
    •  - initial focus is on Geoconcerns, have recommendations out for feedback
    1. IIIF Newspaper Interest Group
    2. Other?

  1. Updates from members

  2. Other agenda items


Next meeting: Thurs. Feb. 2, 1:00pm EST

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