Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-01-05
Hydra Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-01-05
Time: 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Moderator: Eben English (Boston Public Library)
Notetaker: TBD (Etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Hydra_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2017-01-05)
- Eben English
- Joshua Allan Westgard
- Roger Roberto Espinosa
- Jenn Colt
- Gordon Leacock
- Brian McBride
- pbinkley
(Apologies for the screwed-up numbering - if someone know how to fix this in the wiki editor, please do)
- BPL/Utah grant update
- proposal due Fri. Jan. 13 - working on narrative (90% done), which Eben will share on Google Docs shortly
- still interested in getting people for advisory committee (invitation sent out in December) - commitment to read and respond to documentation for quarterly call; no travel - contact Eben with brief bio
- PCDM profile for newspaper content
Review of some existing efforts:
- U. of Maryland: https://wiki.duraspace.org/download/attachments/77447979/maryland2016hyrdraconnect.pdf
- Nat'l Library of Wales:
PCDM Mapping for Welsh Newspapers (NLW)
- U. of Maryland: https://wiki.duraspace.org/download/attachments/77447979/maryland2016hyrdraconnect.pdf
- -differences: UofM doesn't model articles as parts of issue in the way pages are with hasMember - use hasRelatedObject instead - this is based on vendor-generated data to NDNP spec
- U of M is working with IIIF modelling as well - the PCDM Works Extension is relevant in bridging between PCDM and IIIF:
- https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/blob/master/pcdm-ext/works.rdf and also https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/wiki/Works-Extension
- - discussion of status of PCDM extensions: do we want to rely on them?
- - discussion of relation to physical artifacts, when e.g. issues are retrospectively reconstructed from aggregation layer (bound volumes or reels of microfilm)
- - question of ordering of issues: explicit using proxies, or rely on date sort? - need to handle granularity of multiple issues on a given date
- - Eben will post questions to PCDM group re relatedItem vs hasMember for articles and status of PCDM Extensions (e.g. the current work on FileSets in relation to the Works extension)
- Gathering requirements and use cases
- - model on DSpace working group's wiki pages?
Required Feature Matrix - Eben will set up a similar page for us
- Intel sharing from other groups
- Hydra Plugins working group
- - initial focus is on Geoconcerns, have recommendations out for feedback
- - initial focus is on Geoconcerns, have recommendations out for feedback
- IIIF Newspaper Interest Group
- Other?
- Updates from members
- Other agenda items
Next meeting: Thurs. Feb. 2, 1:00pm EST
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