Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2019-09-05

Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2019-09-05

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Meeting ID: 993 200 218
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Time: 1PM EST / 12PM CT / 11AM MST / 10AM PTD

FacilitatorEben English (Boston Public Library)


Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Samvera_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2019-09-05



  1. Newspapers Grant update
    1. Github: https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works
    2. Recent dev work
      1. PDF issue batch ingest
      2. exclude non-Page objects from search results
      3. metadata display in search results
      4. updates to calendar issue-browse styling
      5. NDNP batch ingest – create issue-level PDF file

  2. Newspapers Testing
    1. Test site: https://newspaperworks.digitalnewspapers.org
    2. Vagrant: https://github.com/marriott-library/samvera-newspapers-vagrant
    3. Wiki: https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works/wiki

  3. Features needed for 1.0 "MVP" release
    1. Remaining Issues - https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Av.1.0
    2. Features Matrix - https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works/wiki/Features-Matrix

  4. README review - https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works/blob/master/README.md
    1. What is missing?
    2. Suggestions
      1. Cliff will review and provide feedback via email/Slack
  5. Wiki Review  - https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works/wiki
    1. What is missing?
    2. Suggestions?
      1. Cliff will review and provide feedback via email/Slack

  6. Moving project to samvera-labs
    1. All prerequisites are in place for this
    2. Finishing tagged 1.0 features first, then will move repo
    3. Will cut 1.0 release after move
    4. Should be done by end of September

  7. Intel sharing from other groups/projects
    1. Cliff attended DH2019 conference in Utrecht, some interesting newspaper visualization projects discussed there
      1. Impresso
      2. Newseye
  8. Next meeting: 
    1. Thursday, November 7 2019