Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-10-05

Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2017-10-05

Time: 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Moderator: Eben English (Boston Public Library)

Notetaker: Cliff Wulfman (Etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Samvera_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2017-10-05)



  1. IMLS Grant Update
    1. Developer selected (Sean Upton) ; starting on Oct. 16th. Lots of experience in newspaper publishing industry and with Plone community.

    2. Project kick-off meeting on Oct 30-31 at University of Utah library.

    3. Now working on documentation (PCDM profile; moving features/requirements into more manageable format). Hope to share before next meeting. Wireframing; hoping to start getting feedback next month.

  2. PCDM Profile: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T_gKqkKoik7h9WweYB46S9NrwAXmJTB0g3hCrqH3Q6Q/edit?usp=sharing
    1. Still soliciting feedback

    2. Recent additions are at the file level (PDFs of issues)

    3. Pages are modeled as pcdm:FileSet, rather than pcdm:Object.

    4. Articles are pcdm:Ranges (correlates with the IIIF model)

    5. Only significant difference: all relationships point from child -> parent, not the other way. There's been a trend in the community the past little while to model things this way (increased performance this way).

    6. Three sets of proxies: pages in issues, pages in articles, pages in containers (see section on pages in doc)

    7. Peter: another proxy would be "articles on a page" so you can present an ordered TOC. (Not clear one could have a "natural order" for articles on a newspaper page: by column, left to right?)

      1. IIIF Newspaper group meeting in Toronto next week; this could be discussed there.  Peter & Cliff are going to IIIF Toronto; Peter will add this question to the agenda for that gathering.

      2. Eben: might be interesting to look at how other newspaper databases present articles: what kind of ordering? The Wales system has a TOC...

  3. Features & Requirements
    1. Prioritization
      1. Discussed at last meeting (user-facing and admin features). Now the API features.

      2. Requirement: what is developed here should be compatible with general-purpose IIIF viewers.

      3. Does HYDRAX come with off-the-shelf citation scheme?

      4. Separate citation data from the URIs. Maybe the best we can do is to make sure the URIs in the manifest don't break when taken out of the manifest context.

      5. NDNP, Chronicling America have a URI pattern model: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/about/api/#link

      6. Need a URI pattern that allows clients (users, apps) to retrieve different serializations of the resource.

  4. Content Examples
    1. Still need this!
      1. PDF
      2. CONTENTdm
      3. NDNP
      4. METS-ALTO
      5. Olive
      6. TEI
      7. ????

  5. Intel sharing from other groups
    1. Ran out of time, didn't cover this

  6. Next meeting: Thursday November 2, 1 PM EST
    1. Next meeting scheduled just ahead of Samvera Connect. Eben will send out an email before the call to see if there is enough interest to keep the call or if we should just meet at Connect.