Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2020-01-09
Samvera Newspapers Interest Group Call: 2020-01-09
Connection Details:
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Meeting ID: 993 200 218
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adKGAdrW7F
Time: 1PM EST / 12PM CT / 11AM MST / 10AM PTD
Facilitator: Eben English (Boston Public Library)
Notetaker: TBD
Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Samvera_Newspapers_Interest_Group_Call__2020-01-09
Project links:
- Github: https://github.com/samvera-labs/newspaper_works
- Test site: https://newspaperworks.digitalnewspapers.org
- Vagrant: https://github.com/marriott-library/samvera-newspapers-vagrant
- Wiki: https://github.com/marriott-library/newspaper_works/wiki
- NewspaperWorks project update
- Grant-funded developer period ended
- Future schedule
- 1-week sprint on last week of every month
- community involvement highly desired
- Bi-weekly (fortnightly) project meetings
- Features with some current work
- Priority of future work?
- Intel sharing from other groups/projects
- Next meeting: