Exploratory call: 2016-08-24
Exploratory call: 2016-08-24
The following notes are from a conference call meeting organized by Boston Public Library and University of Utah for the purpose of getting a better sense of newspaper-related development efforts in the Hydra community and to get feedback on BPL/Utah's concept of a grant-funded project to develop a set of gems for newspaper management. (Call for participation went out on the Hydra-Tech and hydra-community lists (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/hydra-community/G960cvMYtDc/Rq6mssCwAgAJ.)
Facilitator: Eben English
Notetaker: Eben English
- Eben English (Boston Public Library)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- Brian McBride (University of Utah)
- Michael Friscia (Yale University)
- Kalee Sprague (Yale University)
- Joshua Allan Westgard (University of Maryland)
- drew heles (Johns Hopkins University)
- Jenn Colt(Cornell University)
- Gordon Leacock (University of Michigan)
- Weiwei Shi (University of Alberta)
- Institution Status Reports
- University of Maryland
- No newspapers in Hydra yet, but putting newspaper content into Fedora4.
- Want to eventually add Hydra-based management functionality.
- Cornell
- At beginning of newspaper efforts.
- Some content in Veridian, with article-level segmentation
- Want path to migrate into Hydra/Fedora.
- Yale
- Large amount of content hosted in CONTENTdm
- Want to migrate, timeline unknown
- Some content has article segmentation and/or METS-ALTO, some without
- Interested in functionality to create segmentation, output METS-ALTO
- Johns Hopkins
- Using DSpace for digital collections, but looking to migrate to Hydra/Fedora
- Some demo content in Sufia-based app, need more newspaper-specific content
- Michigan
- Working on making student newspaper content available in Blacklight-based discovery interface
- Have Sufia-based IR in production
- Alberta
- ~67,000 newspaper issues in homegrown system
- Want to move to Sufia/Hydra (using Sufia for IR)
- In the process of moving some digital collections into Sufia
- Have created gems for different pieces of functionality
- Have looked at PCDM for newspapers
- Peter involved in IIIF Newspapers group
- University of Maryland
- General discussion
- Newspaper functionality shouldn't be dependent on Sufia
- We should use PCDM for modeling
- Viewer should be driven by IIIF manifest, Image API
- Modeling METS-ALTO in Solr – Maryland has been struggling with this
- What crossover with existing Hydra working/interest groups should we be aware of?
- Lots of interest in a newspaper-focused breakout session at Hydra Connect 2016.