Meeting Minutes 2018-05-18
Meeting Minutes 2018-05-18
Attendees: Jeremy Friesen, LaRita Robinson, Jon Cameron, Maria Whitaker, Noah Botimer Collin Brittle
- Roll call
- Call for additional agenda items
- Review previous action items
- Review Permission Matrix
- Walked through the Permission Matrix (further documentation forthcoming)
- Discussed need to isolate actions, are the actions granular enough for configuration use cases
- Continue to affirm that we are looking for configurable permissions (each installation could name a set of roles and grant permission to the varied actions)
- Discussed need for IP related permissions and machine related permissions
- A person accessing the site from one IP could have different permissions from a user accessing it from another site
- Establish next steps and action items
Action Items:
- Team members will review the Coordinated Permissioning Use Cases in the Permission Matrix. In particular look to the details of the actions and what might be missing. Bring questions to LaRita or Jon.
- jrudder - document the "Repository Users" in the Permission Matrix
- LaRita Robinson and Jon Cameron - document the columns and spreadsheet
- Jeremy Friesen will schedule a 2018-06-01 meeting for the team
- Jeremy Friesen will notify Steve Van Tuyl and tamsin woo
- Jeremy Friesen will notify Nabeela Jaffer regarding the status of the working group
Permissions Objects Hierarchy
, multiple selections available,