
Jeremy Friesen Maria Whitaker Kevin Musiorski LaRita Robinson Emily Porter


  1. Roll call
  2. Call for additional agenda items
  3. Review previous action items
    1. 2018-07-09
      1. Action Item 1: The slides were presented, just not by Jeremy--
      2. Action Item 2: Permission Matrix - Added a section above users, adding group and group members; Row 18 and Row 28. 
        1. A set of users can be added to a group via batch
        2. Discussed that removing multiple objects to which a group has permission (eg. batch edit group permissions)
        3. Revisited guiding principle - we will add use cases that we can see using; this does not mean we recommend that the feature be implemented
      3. Action Item 5 & 8: "Import/Export use cases"
        1. Added to collection level - ability to export the collection members and its metadata
        2. Batch export of works via UI may not be request now and submit an offline job to generate the export
        3. Answered question "Do we need export Metadata only or Metadata and Objects?" Yes
        4. Discussion concerning Import - batch creation activities may be analogous to import
      4. Action Item 3: "IP-Authenticated User"
        1. Comments and suggestions were applied to the spreadsheet
      5. Action Item 6: Review "Samvera Permission Design Objectives"
        1. Focusing on the language "Revisit current work “ownership” concept; permission should be both retroactive and fluid"
          1. We need to expose a way to apply permissions retroactively
          2. Re-iterate that we ownership should not be permission-type information but instead metadata; Permissions define what people can do
      6. Action Item 7: "non-HTML formats"
        1. Originated from Anna Headley's request for IIIF manifests or TTL
        2. We are not talking about attribute level data; we want to group by metadata. Conceptually something like a "Fieldset", which is a level below Work. Some people can view the work, but not the administrative fieldset.
          1. Question to review - At what level is the administrative attributes set - site wide, collection wide, work type, or at some intersection (eg. ETDs in the Architecture School have these attributes in their Admin Fieldset whereas ETDs in the Engineering School have another set of attributes)
          2. This is very much a "keep this in mind" consideration, but one to account for
          3. Reiterate that the issue is not related to the format type, its related to what data is visible for the given user
      7. Action Item 4: See Design Objectives
        1. This document is an integration point between the Permission Matrix and the Samvera Permission Design Objectives; To provide a quick at a glance perspective of what is going on. These are yet another piece of things to keep in mind.
        2. Desire to subsume the Design Objectives and Samvera Permission Design Objectives
      8. Action Item 9: Done
  4. Establish next steps and action items
    1. Jeremy Friesen will schedule the next get together on August 6th
      1. Plan would be to schedule a webinar, what do we need to pull this together
    2. LaRita Robinson will consolidate Design Objectives and Samvera Permission Design Objectives into a wiki page and ping the team

Action Items

  1. Jeremy Friesen will schedule the next get together on August 6th
    1. Plan would be to schedule a webinar, what do we need to pull this together
  2. LaRita Robinson will consolidate Design Objectives and Samvera Permission Design Objectives into a wiki page and ping the team