Meeting Minutes 2018-02-16
Meeting Minutes 2018-02-16
Attendees: Jeremy Friesen, LaRita Robinson, jrudder, Noah Botimer, Emily Porter, Jon Cameron
- Roll call
- Call for additional agenda items
- Review prior action items from 2018-02-02 meeting
- Delivered and completed
- Discuss Use Cases
- Everyone approached differently
- There are gaps around the fuzyness around AdminSet manager versus Collection Set manager
- There are a couple of different stories related to managing group membership through a UI
- Discuss different formats, the pluses and minuses
- UNC - talked through specific uses cases, thinking through the lenses of Hyrax; Simple yet centers the usage
- Emory - really liked the scannability of the spreadsheet (additional user stories); gives a quick context
- We like the spreadsheet format and the why column
- User Perspectives
- These are the top-level items on the UNC document
- Create and assign action items
- Possible consolidation of use cases
- Create a spreadsheet to capture use cases
- One tab to list the Use Case: "who column", "what can they do", "why do they need it", "notes for <Institution>", "who put this here", "Current State in Hyrax" (works in current, clunky, not working)
- One tab to list the Type of User (eg. "user perspectives"): "persona name" and "description"
- Ideal goal is a matrix of what we get out of the box in Hyrax
- Create a spreadsheet to capture use cases
- Schedule next meeting
- Possible consolidation of use cases
Action Items
- Jeremy Friesen and LaRita Robinson will create the spreadsheet template, then document the expected tables/columns.
- Finish document by beginning of day 2018-2-21
- Notify Julie Rudder (UNC) to begin work on use cases
- Notify channel that spreadsheet is complete (with documentation)
- Others can consider
- Once the template is complete jrudder will complete the first pass by 2018-2-26.
- When complete, notify Jon Cameron that IU can begin filling out the next round; There is no immediate due date
- Notify channel that first entries of UNC are complete
- Jeremy Friesen will schedule our next meeting for 2018-3-2.
- This meeting will touch base on the use cases and document, and establish next steps
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