Meeting Minutes 2018-02-02
Attendees: Jeremy Friesen, LaRita Robinson, Collin Brittle, jrudder, Emily Porter, jennifersmith, Maria Whitaker, Jon Cameron, Noah Botimer
Action Items
Jeremy Friesen will schedule meeting for 2018-02-16 via Zoom (same time)
Prior to the meeting review uses cases
Bring questions about use cases
Goal would be to assign team members to generate initial glossary
Team will add use cases to wiki (Use Cases page) by end of business 2018-02-09
1) Introduce ourselves
Maria & Jon - Avalon rewriting onto Hyrax
Jeremy & LaRita - Notre Dame migrating to Hyrax
Julie & Jennifer - UNC Migrating large existing custom fedora to Hyrax; by Summer 2018
Jennifer - UNC application developer
Collin & Emily - Emory has an ETD application running Hyrax; Working towards a suite of applications for a digital library project
Noah - UMich has 20 some applications some of which are quite old; Lots of legacy cold; Have an authorization system maintained centrally and looking to decommission. Limited data model for permissions. Two production applications Fulcrum (CurationConcerns based) and Deep Blue Data repository.
2) Discuss your interest in this working group
How permissions work and how can these be extended
Interested in custom workflows and custom permissions with AdminSets
The workflows that Emory has is working but for the digital library project will require a more extensible
Migrating a suite of legacy applications into Hyrax; Several working groups gathering requirements. Identifying using profiles and permissions in a bottom-up approach.
Need to take advantage of workflow tasks; Want to have a consistent approach to our modeling application. Developed a policy-based approach that can be glued onto API with Sipity workflow.
Some similarities in the way Emory was working and Michigan
3) Determine our next deliverables and frequency of meetings (if we have standing meetings or schedule them as we draw to a close on our milestones)
Every other week - agreed upon via Zoom
Bring internal documents for use cases
Models of Definitions (which is very helpful) -
Models of User Stories (also very helpful) -
4) Preferred discussion channels (e.g. should we make a Slack channel or rely on Google Groups)
Slack is our preferred communication channel #pawg
5) Assigning Wiki work
Maria Whitaker will take ownership of the Wiki pages