2020-11-02 Meeting notes

2020-11-02 Meeting notes


Connection details

To join the Meeting:https://umich.zoom.us/j/93858767849



Discussion items

alignment with Hyrax IG
  • The idea of this group as path flows
  • This could be a group where people can bring ideas for their samvera repos...It can then go to Hyrax IG
  • what is meeting philosophy? Its been a little bit everything. Sometimes we had presentations, sometimes Bring your agenda to the group. Lean towards informal.
  • This is more than Hyrax, it's not only Hyrax focused
  • Surveys or some kind of a conversation to find out the interest in this group

Hyrax Testing
  • Repo Managers could ask if QA testing is needed. but asking them to be the owner of testing is asking too much.

Complex Objects
  • Hierarchal born-digital material. transferring material from physical media.

Action items
