Repo Managers Meeting Topic Parking Lot

Repo Managers Meeting Topic Parking Lot

Potential topics to be narrowed down for future meetings. 

  • Sharing Hyrax set ups with Admin Sets, Workflows
  • What would an ORCID integration with Hyrax look like? 
  • Creating a value statement or some guidance/process to help prioritize what to include in a release, what to fix on bugs. 
  • Starting a subgroup to figure out a scalable process for user interface testing during release process.  – July meeting
  • How are people deciding between Hyrax/Hyku - updates from recent launches? (NU, Oregon, CSU)?
  • How well does Hyrax do in supporting dataset use cases? Who is supporting data deposit with Hyrax?
  • Ideas for the Samvera Connect program! We should certainly have a IG meeting, but maybe some of us have ideas for lightning talks, presentations, posters, etc. Let's brainstorm. Hannah Frost
  • Changing the dates/times of these meetings?
  • Repo-Managers adopting the Hyrax workflow document - Steve Van Tuyl  – July meeting
    • Jenn Colt gives overview of DURT --July meeting
      • How would repo-managers testing be similar or different?
    • Meeting with Mike Giarlo about having a repo-managers team in Github, like UX advisors -- Tentatively scheduled for the August Meeting.
      • What kind of things would we be asked to comment on?
      • How can we deal with pace, getting up to speed?
      • How would this be different/same as UX advisors?

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