2019-07-01 Meeting notes

2019-07-01 Meeting notes


To join the Meeting: https://bluejeans.com/700595457 To join via Room System: Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or- Meeting ID : 700595457 To join via phone : 1) Dial: +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers) 2) Enter Conference ID : 700595457


Discussion items

Hyrax UI/UX Tickets 
  • Identified 235 UI/UX issue out of about 500 total issues
  • Get the data to a place where it is categorized and then hand it off to RMIG and UXIG
  • PO should be relying on this group as a group of users connected to user needs. 
  • Steve will work with Sarah to do first pass at categorizing and labeling the issues.
  • will revisit it in August meeting, with UXIG

Action items
