UI/UX Hyrax running issue list
UI/UX Hyrax running issue list
Please add issues that users are running into in your Hyrax instance. Or things that you have had to make significant work-arounds to avoid. We will use this list to get feedback from UX interest group. The UX group may identify issues on this list that could use further testing or may suggest design fixes.
- Adding a new file/replacing a file - Steve Van Tuyl
- Contextual parent-child relationship information on the item showpage - specifically, parent relationships are not indicated, making it hard to understand the PCDM context - Steve Van Tuyl
- CAPTCHA on contact form - Steve Van Tuyl
- Choosing an admin set (lots to unpack here, but Admin sets determine visibility and release policies and workflows. There is a real downside for choosing the wrong one)- jrudder
- Sharing works - shared works show up on "Managed Works" tab. jrudder thinks this doesn't make sense in this context. Add to "Your Works" or change the label to "Managed Works"? - Gabriela Montoya
- Two citations buttons - jenn
- when on the review submissions page, if i navigate to a work to review it, then i review it, then i save the reviewed work, i want to be sent back to the review submissions page. Instead, i get sent to the dashboard
Steve Van Tuyl
- On Edit of a work, the Files tab should show all of the files that are currently attached to the work. Currently the tab shows no files, making it disorienting to users who are trying to make file changes on a work. Steve Van Tuyl
- Managing embargoes
- Deactivating embargoes does not actually change permissions: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/3058#issuecomment-399276862 - tamsin woo
- also, the interaction b/w files and works is confusing
- No auto-expire for embargoes (must be done manually) https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/2657#issuecomment-399472423 Chris Diaz
- Select/deselect all button missing - https://github.com/curationexperts/nurax/issues/257 Brian McBride
- Navigates to confusing page after deactivating embargo - https://github.com/curationexperts/nurax/issues/277
- Deactivating embargoes does not actually change permissions: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues/3058#issuecomment-399276862 - tamsin woo
- Breadcrumbs (lots of progress was made in 2.1, add remaining work here) - Moira Downey (Deactivated)
- Ownership concept for Digital Collections
Also see Nurax Issues: https://github.com/curationexperts/nurax/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen++label%3A%22User+Experience%22+
, multiple selections available,
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