Meeting Minutes 2018-07-09
Meeting Minutes 2018-07-09
Jeremy Friesen LaRita Robinson Jon Cameron Maria Whitaker Kevin Musiorski Emily Porter jrudder
- Roll call
- Call for additional agenda items
- Review previous action items
- 2018-06-15 Meeting
- Ownership
- Opened the can of worms that is the owner of a work
- The concept of owner does not translate well to digital collections; The actions in the matrix for owner are well represented in the other roles we've already designated
- See ongoing document - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LsIso-RMrHC0_bDxw9t5mwmVu8a6rHm8cF_xId9gOAM/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=108058721595213905850
- What are the implications for changing ownership
- Talked about a couple of metadata fields that are not related to permissions - eg. who deposited this, primary contact for enquiries, faculty or supervisor, creator of original content
- Proposal is that the concept of ownership goes away
- The Art Institute use case presented by Kevin Musiorski further strengthens the idea that the "owner" concept should have a better qualifier and be subsumed by more specific metadata; Manager assigns permissions, owner is a metadata
- Reviewing bulk actions
- Discussion about the need for attribute level permissions
- Expose a means to configure what type of metadata an attribute is; then expose who can see what types of metadata
- The use cases are not commitments to deliver on those use cases
- Move the use cases that are not in Hyrax into the Permission Matrix
- Ownership
- 2018-06-15 Meeting
- Establish next steps and action items
Action Items
- Jeremy Friesen will be presenting updates at Samvera Virtual Connect
- LaRita Robinson will add lines to the Permission Matrix reflecting actions on groups (eg. update a group); Verify that those lines are reflected in the Coordinated Permissioning Use Cases document.
- Kevin Musiorski will review the IP-Authenticated User comment in cell J3 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c92eGmBMqMBxKxrgwbsdjyg-a70I51pi1geQ68yX7SE/edit#gid=0; Then verify understanding with LaRita Robinson
- Emily Porter will create a wiki page that includes design considerations that are surfacing in Slack - Design Objectives
- Emily Porter will follow-up with Batch and Submitting jobs document and then LaRita Robinson will move this into the Permission Matrix
- All of us should review the objectives and add additional ones https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OdacxmL2FfAKgbY6Z5eM4fCaXXB2AqhSJMqJaJynkD4/edit#heading=h.4mklo57wve4b
- Emily Porter and Maria Whitaker will close the loop on the use case(s) of non-HTML formats through the Coordinated Permissioning Use Cases document and notify LaRita Robinson to update the Permission Matrix.
- LaRita Robinson will move the import/export use cases into the Permission Matrix working with Maria Whitaker
- Jeremy Friesen will create our next meeting and send invitations
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