20170503 IG Notes
20170503 IG Notes
Meeting Information
Facilitating: Aaron Collier
Zoom link: https://calstate.zoom.us/my/acollier
Time: 10am(PST)/1pm(EST)
Note Taking: Benjamin Armintor
Attending: Hannah Frost (SUL), Nathan Tallman (PSU), bibliotechy (Temple), Delphine Khanna (Temple), Emily Toner (Temple), Steven Ng (Temple), Ryan Wick (Oregon Digital), Andrew Weidner (Univ. of Houston)
- Confirm/determine meeting schedule
- Is this time good, and if so what frequency? Temple +1, prefers monthly; Nathan seconds - will schedule a meeting for next month
- Timelines: PSU has a 6-12 month timeframe; charter not yet submitted so still flexible
- Review IG/WG framework
- Review draft WG charter
- Chad Nelson: Is this an opportunity to compare workflows? That's the principal blocker at Temple (eg batch processes). Is this the right place for that?
- Hannah: This IG is a great place for identifying what the needs are re: admin features and workflow, that's important and in-scope
- Aaron: that should feed into the requirements/use cases; cf DSpace WG's "table of needs"
- Delphine Khanna (Temple): Beyond specific tools, also some questions about throughput that may need to be addressed (not just tools for sake of tools)
- Chad: this seems like a opportunity to shape the requirements/use cases too
- Aaron: we should definitely document the throughput requirements/configurations
- Ryan Wick: has migrated, but has some observations about charter:
- is hyku the primary target? or hyrax? should be clear (Houston definitely targeting hyku)
- batch editing interfaces are also an issue
- would worry less about throughput than about learning curve of system/tool differences
- Chad: this is a documentation concern, too
- Aaron
- Unclear how work on hyku filters back to hyrax and vice-versa
- Nathan: unsure what relationship to Plum or Spotlight might be, specifically about collection building and landing pages
- Aaron: there's overlap with display sets WG
- Would add some kind of harvest mechanism as a MVP requirement (OAI, something for DPLA, etc)
- Delphine: How would compound objects from Cdm map to hyku?
- introduce some prospective supporting software
- UVic cdm_migrator
- Move-to-Islandora Kit (MIK) Toolkit
- Aaron is going to look into how CSU accomplished migration from Digital Commons is addition
- Solicit write-ups: what are the correspondences between these tools and our use cases/requirements? what are the gaps?
- Questions
- Emily (Temple): Where are people actually at on this issue?
- Aaron: CSU is very early stages, focused so far on IR side
- Andrew (UH): about a year in, adapting workflow with hyku as target, will be testing some workflows in next couple of weeks
- this process has surfaced concerns about where preservation workflows intersect with this, too
- next month should have something to report back to group (will talk to Braydon Justice about cdm_migrator)
- HyBox team gives this meeting a thumbs up!
- Emily (Temple): Where are people actually at on this issue?
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