Hydra Connect 2016 HMIG Meeting
Hydra Connect 2016 HMIG Meeting
Thursday, Oct. 6, 2-3pm Eastern, Commonwealth Salon, Boston Public Library
Facilitator: Juliet Hardesty
Notetaker: Don Brower
Attendees: 25+
Community Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PBt3VX2k2XpA0tSgTJTbIaabQ0V8f1iauVTLk3MCTe4/edit?usp=sharing
- Working Group/Subgroup Reports for year
- HMIG in the Hydra Community
- Purpose (see current Samvera Metadata Interest Group)
- Frequency of meetings
- continue bi-weekly, change to monthly
- become topical, focus on intro to Hydra/what's new in Hydra?
- Published documentation currently on wiki
- Remain there or move to Github?
- Facilitator
- Plan moving forward