Samvera User Experience Interest Group

Samvera User Experience Interest Group

Scope & Objectives

The Samvera User Experience (UX) interest group meets to discuss any aspect of the user experience, including usability, design, UX methods, and user interface consistency. The purpose of these discussions is to improve users' experiences with applications and systems. Such improvements are expected to occur through sharing of information and expertise across projects and institutions. 

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Next meeting:

January 12, 2021 at 2:00 - 2:30pm ET

Meetings are typically scheduled once a month on the second Wednesday of each month at 2:00pm ET for 30 minutes.

Meeting connection details

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 677 949 4947
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,6779494947# US (Chicago)
+19294362866,,6779494947# US (New York)

Calls are publicized beforehand via an email sent to samvera-community, samvera-partners, and samvera-tech.  

Email discussion of UX issues is welcome - please use samvera-community or samvera-tech as primary routes, depending on the nature of the topic, and prefix your email subjects with [UXIG] so the Google Group archives can be quickly searched for relevant discussions.

UX-interested people also typically gather at the annual Samvera Connect meeting.

Samvera Reference Applications


UX/UI benchmark for latest Hyrax UI element feature(s) state is currently the "Nurax" environment.  This environment is the platform to test against "how a UI component or page should look/behave".



Avalon Media System




Other regular participants and interested parties


Notes/recordings from monthly calls

DateTopicsNotes/RecordingsRelated materials
25 June 2019Monthly call2019-06-25 Meeting notes
30 April 2019Monthly call2019-04-30 - 2pm ET - Meeting notes
22 January 2019Monthly call2019-01-22 Meeting notes
27 November 2018Monthly call2018-11-27 Meeting notes
18 September 2018Monthly call2018-09-18 Meeting notes
21 August 2018Monthly call2018-08-21 Meeting notes
24 July 2018Monthly call2018-07-24 Meeting notes
19 June 2018Monthly call2018-06-19 Meeting notes
15 May 2018Monthly call2018-05-15 Meeting notes
17 April 2018Monthly call2018-04-17 Meeting notes
2 March 2018DURT planning meetingDURT Meeting 2018-03-02
16 January 2018Monthly call2018-01-16 Meeting notes
19 December 2017Monthly call2017-12-19 Meeting notes

9 November 2017In-person meeting at Samvera Connect 20172017-11-09 Meeting notes
17 October 2017Monthly call2017-10-17 Meeting notes
19 September 2017Monthly call2017-09-19 Meeting notes
15 August 2017Monthly call2017-08-15 Meeting Notes
July 2017Canceled for Samvera Virtual Connect

20 June 2017Monthly call2017-06-10 Meeting Notes
16 May 2017Monthly call2017-05-16 UXIG Meeting Notes | Recording
18 April 2017Monthly call2017-04-18 UXIG Monthly Call
21 March 2017Monthly callNotes
21 Feb 2017Monthly callNotes
17 Jan 2017Monthly callNotes
20 Dec 2016Monthly callNotes
18 Oct 2016Monthly callNotes
27 Sept 2016Monthly callNotes
16 August 2016Monthly callNotes
19 July 2016Monthly callNotes
21 Jun 2016Monthly callNotes
19 Apr 2016Monthly callNotes
15 Mar 2016Monthly call2016-03-15 Meeting notesOD Recommendations from Usability.docx
19 Jan 2016Monthly callNotes
15 Dec 2015Monthly callAgenda, Notes
17 Nov 2015Monthly call2015-11-17 Notes
20 Oct 2015Monthly callNotes
2 July 2015Monthly call: Discussion of Avalon Accessibility testingNotes
7 May 2015

Monthly call

  • Blacklight Maps (Jack Reed, Stanford)
  • new LDCX mailing list (Jennifer Vine, Stanford)
  • roundtable of UX work
  • ideas for next month's call, June 4
Recording, Hydra UX call - 7 May 2015
2 April 2015Monthly callRecording, Notes
5 March 2015Monthly call (featuring demo of a fix on Blacklight's facet label wrapping)Recording, Notes
4 December 2014

This month the call will focus on Spotlight, the Blacklight plug-in enabling the presentation of online exhibitions.

Discussion will center around the following areas, though there will also hopefully be space to raise other questions as well within these:

  • Current Spotlight functionality
  • Current goals for Spotlight development
  • Adopting Spotlight - what barriers exist that the team can look to address?
  • Additional features - what could Spotlight usefully do in the future?
  • Developing Spotlight - how the community can assist in achieving the goals discussed
Recording, Hydra UX call - 4 Dec 2014Send Spotlight suggestions and questions to


6 Nov 2014Hydra Connect 2 followupRecording, Notes
3 July 2014Monthly callNotes from July 3 2014 Hydra UX call
5 June 2014Examples of user research activities and deliverablesRecordingAvalon user needs report
1 May 2014Introductions, discussion of future call topics, demo of Avalon Media SystemMinutes of the Hydra UX Inaugural Meeting

Hydra UX Discussion Notes from Meetings

Unconference session at Hydra Connect 2, October 2014: Hydra UX interest group notes from Hydra Connect 2

Unconference session at Hydra Connect, January 2014:  Hydra User Experience Unconference Session: Friday 1:45-3 p.m.

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