Rock Hall HAWG User Stories
Rock Hall HAWG User Stories
Here's what we'd need Hydra to be able to do with our archival management system to integrate collections and digital content together.
Story: Dealing with digital content
As an archivist
I need to link digital items in Hydra to collections and series in a finding aid
Because I have digital items that exists in Hydra but not in my archival management system
Story: Digitized content from a collection
As an archivist
I need to link digitized items in Hydra to their analog counterparts in our archival management system
Because I have items that exist in two different systems
Story: Hydra is collection-aware
As an archivist
Hydra needs to know about what collections, series, and items exist in my archival management system
Because I need to assign digital objects to these collections, items and series
, multiple selections available,