HydraConnect 2 HAWG Discussion Group
HydraConnect 2 HAWG Discussion Group
HAWG (Dampeer)
Facilitator: Adam Wead
Notekeeper: Russell Schelby
Timekeeper: Steven Ng
Review Use Cases, Discuss Deliverables
Stories for Integration with ArchvesSpace(AS) seem to be done, are they sufficient for beginning coding?
- Hydra ArchivesSpace Integration Features
- Develop with non-AS systems in mind, ideally anything
- Can’t connect to an abstraction
- How can we generalize around the AS api?
- atom used by several systems
- “keep EAD at bay”
- point 5, use AS to arrange Hydra objects and link back
- may wait to see if ArcLight/BeadL(AB) resolves some
- Categorize stories OR wait until we have programming drive?
- Important to have something to work on when we’re ready
- Digital stuff in Hydra, AS pull in data
- Do AS collections get pulled into Hydra? No,look it up and link it
- If you are using AS for search, ok. If using BlackLight (BL) you will need to feed it back into
- Not intent of story -
- How to discover content discovered through Administrative organization
- Tufts - finding aids are objects in repository
- Can Hydra handle this administrative hierarchy? Yes
- We are running into AB territory
- Public UX for AS is lacking, would be good to
- Would AB present EAD? More like it would search through EAD’s - discovery for archives
- What information do you want in Hydra? RDF, EAD, ???
- DAO’s in the EAD - EAD as an aggregating method
Next Steps
- focus on the contract; EAD, RDF, json, plus others
- atom based on content standards (selected from a drop down), emits EAD
- DACS-based EAD? Should be focused on a standard (EAD is the medium)
- Archival Management System (AMS)
- discussion of standards is parallel
have a HAWG call with Stanford to coordinate efforts around EAD
- Rockefeller & Michigan still shopping for workflows (surmised)
- what are the tools that we need? Archival organization comes first,
- elevate description to discovery
- one group uses Islandora & Hydramatica (as a back-end process)
- two institutions (Yale, Duke) would be interested in developing;
- Duke looking at ILMS grant for the AS/Hydra space, plus Stanford, plus Ohio State, plus Cinci.
- group was formed to describe integration - is that still our raison d’eter? we seem to have moved past
- moved to more broader area: focus on integration with Archives generally AMS
- Do the interested parties have the same goals? Does look like
- Digital Preservation WG - DP working group
- ISAD based vs. DACs based
- Ingest & Emittance may be separate issues
Hydra Connect 3 goal?
- Specification for the API, based on current user stories
- Clear picture of resources & commitments Action Items
make announcements via HydraTech plus HydraCommunity emails
Archivmatica/Hydra derivative integration?
split from general discussion
Yes, let’s do maybe do it later today, tabled
People who work on this should come back with a report
- Define Use Cases for your own systems
- Avalon looking to change the way they generate derivatives
- help from group with Hydra derivatives would accelerate development
How to support ArcLight (formerly BeadL) (AB)
- Can this project help us table some of our stories?
- Stanford is developing this, goal is to work on Blacklight to have faceted search of finding aids
- Corey Harper Ichabod very same thing, 2 year term
- Artifactual considering using ArcLink, DPLA may send a developer to have BL run against SOLR
- AB will likely live in the HydraSphere
- Stanford will make this work with AS, tertiarilly it is about Finding Aids
- This group will help inform the AB project
- Is AB based on EAD or more? More; Ichabod mostly about EAD.
- Faceted Discovery but not just keyword search
- This group could help with providing stories to Gary Geisler
Archvmatica(AM)/BitCurator/ThingsNotArchivesSpace Integration
- Pitch: work that happens in Hydra that overlap Archival Information Systems; access derivatives
- Preservation Planning Tool; what tool is used to generate access derivatives
- Sufia: there is a Hydra derivative gem that uses command line tools; archivist could enter PEAR db entry on how to manage files, make it available to all other systems
- treat FPR as a generic characterization tool, not specific to Archamatica;
- worked on specific FFMPEG commands, this tool could
- registry of how to to crack and process materials
- want to do proof of concept, deal with long tail of file handling
- AM uses pro nom id’s, not MIME type;
- research data might be a good partner,
- forensic disk images, code4lib article about presenting this as a finding aid;
- BitCurator (BC)
- analyze, scan, report forensic information about a disk,
- end up with a forensic file format
- Bulk extract just for quick ingest (basic)
- just came to 1.0
- archivists believe that forensic disk images will be another resource
- deleted files is a political football
- Places to put things
- Archival collections into Hydra - digitized content
- Born Digital stuff, Digital surrogates
- Arrangement? some are before ingested - arrange in Archive System, then send bundle to repo, not
- putting the object into hydra, arrangement plus object; object knows that it exists (PID) what collection it belongs to; the EAD knows about the digital thing and how it fits
- Is the arrangement part of the preservation system? is more murky, happens before; could build RDF arrangement, but is time consuming;
- ArchiveSphere is doing some description into hydra
- How to deal with master and derivatives relationships? PDF made of 200 images;
- Stanford uses content metadtata stream, labeling masters & pdf;
- Others keep RelsX folders with masters, physical description;
- how does it handle change? export mods file for every level, id for each folder; Archvist Toolkit takes about 5 minutes;
- IU is using hierarchy of objects
, multiple selections available,