Duke University HAWG/Aspace User Stories

Duke University HAWG/Aspace User Stories

Here are a few items describing what we would like to see regarding Hydra/ArchivesSpace integration (wow, was that a sentence?).

User Story 1

As an archivist

I want Hydra/Fedora to manage our institutions finding aids.

In order to have our digital objects (born-digital and digitized), the object-level metadata, and collection-level metadata managed in the same system.


User Story 2

As an archivist

I want Hydra to harvest EAD files from ArchivesSpace at regular intervals.

I want Hydra to harvest edited versions of previously published EAD files as well as newly published EAD files.

In order to automate the public display of finding aids.


User Story 2b

As an archivist

I want the ability to suppress unfinished EAD files from public access, should it prove impossible for Hydra to only harvest finished EAD files from ArchivesSpace.

In order for staff to control access to incomplete finding aids.


User Story 3

As a researcher

I want the full text of EAD files indexed.

In order to expose elements in the finding aid to Hydra’s search.


User Story 4

As a researcher

I want faceted searching of EAD elements.

In order to search for terms across collections.


User Story 5

As a repository administrator

I want ArchivesSpace and Hydra to crosswalk between EAD and Qualified Dublin Core.

Because our finding aids are written in EAD but our repository employs QDC for descriptive metadata.


User Story 6

As an archivist

I want to automate event log exporting from Hydra to ArchivesSpace and vice versa.

Because events, such as fixity checks, may be performed by the repository automatically. It would be useful for non-repository personnel to also see this data.




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