March 3, 2014
March 3, 2014
Moderator: Adam Wead (Rockhall)
Notetaker: Ben Goldman
- Adam Wead, Rock Hall
- Ben Goldman, Penn State
- Adam Shahrani, Yale University
- Leah, WGBH
- John Rees, National Library of Medicine
- Mark Custer, Yale
- Linda, University of Cincinnati
- Nathan, University of Cincinnati
- Eira, University of Cincinnati
- Benn Joseph, Paul Clough, Northwestern
- Laney McGlohon (Getty Research Institute)
- Wendy H, Georgia Tech
- Glynn Edwards, Stanford
- Call for agenda items
- Introductions/Roll Call – see above
- Next Meeting
- Date: March 17, 4 pm EST
- Moderator: Adam by silent acquiescence
- Notetaker: Mark Custer, volunteer
- Mission and Scope: "The Hydra Archivists Working Group will bring together interested parties to discuss, gather, and generate a set of use cases for integration of Hydra and ArchivesSpace to inform the work that will be done at LDCX^4 and beyond"
- should we amend/edit the
Samvera Archivists Interest Group page to reflect any changes?
- Why limited to use cases? We're thinking higher level right now, not as much focused on technical details.
- What was the context for initiating this discussion at HydraConnect? Very general – trying to articulate needs among Hydra partners.
- Not just integration with ASpace but also digital forensics, best practices, RDF – getting Hydra more "archivally aware"
- Will make updates to HAWG page to reflect broader scope – Nathan
- Desires:
- Adam S – developer – looking at collaborating with developers to get some action done on ASpace and Hydra integration
- Mark C – ASpace – link up archival description system with digital repository – to the degree possible, broadening beyond ASpace
- Leah – not just ASpace
- John Rees – Fedora perspective, integrating with non-Aspace systems
- Ben – ASpace integration, EAD delivery, digital forensics
- Nathan, Cincinatti – ASpace integration, but not just EAD, also EAC – tools into Hydra for file migration – integration with digital archival objects
- Adam W – integrate archival description with Hydra – he's done it in their Hydra head
- Linda – project manager on current self-deposit repository (non-archives) – wants to see what others are doing
- Wendy – haven't formally committed to Hydra – anticipating a move in this direction
- Paul – digital forensics, partner in Hydrameda
- Benn – archival description, ASpace
- Laney – same as above, special emphasis on born-digital
- Glynn – born-digital, not just forensics though, lots of other metadata sources – db, csv – also working on ontologies
- should we amend/edit the
Samvera Archivists Interest Group page to reflect any changes?
- Identify goals to achieve prior to LibDevConX 2014 (April 21-25)
- suggestions from the floor
- actionable items: what to we want to have ready by April 21st
- timeline: how should we try to accomplish this between now and then
- Premature to start developing action items for developers – start working up use cases to inform developers of the kinds of things we want to do, and the questions we have.
- How do we tackle drafting the use cases?
- Digital preservation needs – file formats, forensic images
- Archival description needs
- Each institution will come up with three use cases each
- Guidelines for the use cases. Persona vs functional requirements. Articulate them in the same manner? YES
- Look for priority items
- Can we do this in a place where everyone can collaborate/cross-inform the development of use cases?
- Adam will volunteer to supply the template use case/user story we can all work from
- Have some solid, drafted use cases by the next meeting
- Post to the HAWG wiki – Nathan will format the wiki for this
- Try to do by COB 3/12.