Indiana University

Indiana University

User Story 1

As a public user
I want to view any material from a finding aid collection online, regardless of source or fomat

So that I have access to all materials from a finding aid in my browser and don’t have to visit the archive.

Done looks like: All materials (digitized, born-digital, audio, video) are viewable from within the finding aid

User Story 2

As an archivist
I want to connect born-digital materials to my finding aid

So that I can provide public access to these items online

Done looks like: I have a way to load all born-digital materials (PDF, Word, plain text, video, audio, ppt, xls, image, email) into the library's digital repository and a way to connect those items to my finding aid

User Story 3

As a project manager
I want to provide a workflow for storing born-digital objects from finding aid collections in our digital repository and connecting them for access within the finding aid

So that archivists can preserve and provide access to born-digital documents

Done looks like: Workflow in place to create access-ready versions of all born-digital documents; Ingest workflow in place to bring in access-ready and original born-digital objects to repository; Workflow in place to link born-digital objects (access version) to finding aid

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