CMWG 13 August 2018

CMWG 13 August 2018


To join the Meeting:


To join via Room System:

Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or-

Meeting ID : 988914671


To join via phone :

1)  Dial:

                +1.408.740.7256 (United States)

                +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)

                +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)

                (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)

2)  Enter Conference ID : 988914671


Karen Cariani (WGBH, Boston)

Nora Egloff (Lafayette College)

Richard Green (University of Hull)

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University)

Steph Taylor (CoSector, London)

Annie Wu (University of Houston) 

Agenda and notes

  1. Changes to agenda

  2. Review of survey responses  (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y5ZjNLZcZbItvvYFoyKJ2qeMywQW8TxCQqGX2eTE9QM/edit#response=ACYDBNiRaJnslUjvx7uXGA_NKUgZoacyF0cOp7qmUTxYnCBqt_tmRvaogJ-mGQ)
    1. Cash predictions
    2. Monetizing in-kind contributions

  3. Next steps

  4. Date of next meetiing
    1. 27 August 2018  11:00am Eastern


By September 10th - figure out what we're going to hand over to the Partner meeting in October

Next meeting, look at scaffolding document - make sure we're good on the document - in the meantime add in as much detail as poss.  Need to give Partners a number of options around numbers from which to choose (or not)

Get numbers together for hourly cost on Mid and High level developers.  Compare with DuraSpace estimates for employing people.  First figures for hourly rates don't seem to stack up.

Samvera/ Fedora costs