2019-03-22 Meeting Notes

2019-03-22 Meeting Notes

Meeting information

Friday March 22nd 7pm GMT / 3pm ET / 12pm PT



  • Chris Awre

  • Harriet Green

  • Karen Estlund

  • Robin Ruggaber

  • Rosalyn Metz

  • Tim McGeary

  • Charlotte Nunes


  • Come to consensus on whether or not the contribution model is required or a recommendation for what partners should give.
  • Review the data collected from the forms. 

Discussion items

5 minRoll call and housekeepingRosalyn
  • Roll call
  • Review action items from last meeting
25 minReview of data collected from Financial Contribution FormAll
20 min

Review of data collected from Institutional Contribution Form

  • What needs to change about the form?
  • How would we get to a discount model?
5 minNext stepsRosalyn
  • Review action items
  • Do we need another meeting?


Agreed that we needed to create a method for requiring payments.  There were concerns around the community of communities model, but agreed that this is not something we can solve within Samvera.

Contribution model would be a suggested starting point, with the ability to go up, remove the budget bands, but keep the JSTOR categories.  There is still a discount model, but before we work on that in earnest, let's get the opinion of partners at the partner meeting in April.

Action items


  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
  • Rosalyn Metz: Update the most recent model to have sensible discount levels  
  • Rosalyn Metz: Send feedback re: discount form to Charlotte  


  •  Rosalyn Metz: throw some dollar numbers on the bands, consider some of the conversation and items from above when updating those bands.
  • Rosalyn Metz: update the contribution model; put the amount each institution would pay into a spreadsheet
  • Charlotte Nunes: identify a method for reporting contribution 

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