02-28-18 Meeting

02-28-18 Meeting

Time: 1pm EST

Connection Details: 

To join the Meeting:

To join via Room System:
Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or-
Meeting ID : 460021042

To join via phone :
1) Dial:
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
(see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
2) Enter Conference ID : 460021042


Facilitator: Julie Rudder



  1. Working with UX on testing Hyrax: Jenn Colt , Steve Van Tuyl
    1. Should we go ahead and test Collection Extensions? 
    2. Are there other high priority items we are running into?
    3. See the list of UX issues in Hyrax: UI/UX Hyrax running issue list
  2. Interest in Research Data Repositories IG? Moira Downey (Deactivated)Nabeela Jaffer

Meeting Notes:

  1. UX group is gearing up for the next round of user testing and still formulating a plan to test. Will look at the UI/UX Hyrax running issue list. Also open to hearing from folks about types of user testing "View/discovery" or "Depositor" or "Staff". Please reach out to Jenn or UX to give thoughts. JRR will send list to nurax channel to make sure people add to it during testing. Jenn thought focusing on testing anything that might be implemented quickly would be great. 
  2. Moira and Will talked about research data interest group. Group vs Slack channel was discussed and it was decided they would start a channel to begin with and see if anything more formal may come of it. 
  3. Next topics: Show and Tell
    1. Will and Moira can likely show their Hyrax Pilot at the next meeting
    2. Anyone else ready?

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