2018-01-19 Samvera Governance WG Agenda and Notes
Video conference link: https://bluejeans.com/128863099
For Phone: 1.408.740.7256
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Wiki Home: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/samvera/Samvera+Governance+Working+Group
Optional Steering Liaison: Mark Bussey
Maria Whitaker – on the road at the time of the meeting
- Discussion of small groups document. The context and synthesis can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfOeTUr37f99pzS0TSCnO26RX6Qb9zFCBPazFiWoX3c/edit?ts=5a5cf556
- From Rosalyn: Is there a way that we can clearly delineate between these two needs within the document. Similar to what we did above. Can we describe them as "concerns around software development and resourcing" and "concerns around decision-making for the community". I know we touched on this in our previous discussion, but is there a way to capture that or is this good enough?
- From Various: How do we distinguish between core components and solution bundles? Rosalyn's solution: go with one example that we can all safely agree is a core component or a solution bundle.
- Next steps. Identifying next steps for the group.
- Communicating to the community. We've received a lot of requests to provide input, how do we field these requests? How do we better communicate with the community about our work?
- Developing a recommendation for a governance model. What process do we want to follow to move forward with developing this document?
Action Items:
- Mark will bring the document to the Steering Committee on Monday
- Mark will alert us to the feedback
- We are targeting 1/29 or before to release the document
- Rosy will check the various doc schedules, reconcile and make sure is on Wiki page
Possibly Useful Items:
Charter and document request
Context: A one-page summary of the discussion, documentation, and feedback to-date related to the various governance models under consideration.
Synthesis: A summary of the themes and issues that the community hopes to address by refining existing or adopting new governance practices and structures. Ideally identifies key differences and decision points between the models provided for evaluation and current model. This combined context and synthesis documents should be approximately 750-1500 words (1-3 pages) in length
Samvera Governance / Roadmapping/ Resourcing Activity - 2017-11-10
Governance Models for Samvera - original
Governance Model Planning and Notes - RJS 2017-11-30
Looking at "What about decision making writ large" vs. "Software development roadmap"
Evviva: When I write this I was trying to balance that. That is what we're supposed to be doing. Now there's code and technical in both goals - might be able to - but maybe one is aout technical stuff and the other is not
Mark: Proposal - first one feels like predictability and reliability and the second one is about transparency. How do we m