Metadata Call 2015-04-22
Metadata Call 2015-04-22
Time: 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: Karen Estlund (Univ. Oregon)
Notetaker: Carolyn Hansen
- sanderson
- Corey Harper
- Benjamin Armintor
- Lisa McAulay
- Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her)
- simosacchi
- carolyn.hansen
- Danny Pucci
- simosacchi
- Juliet Hardesty
- Max Eckard
- Trey Pendragon
- Lisa McAulay
- Dallas Pillen
- Communication
- How to best use larger Metadata WG calls
- Reminder to use the [ metadatawg] prefix in subject lines for list postings
- Subgroup Reports
- Issues / Questions
- Non-RDF Technical metadata and pcdm structure (via pcdm:hasRelatedFile)
- Additional Items
- Action Items
Meeting Notes:
- Communication
- How to best use larger Metadata WG calls
i. Steven: reports back from subgroups are important
ii. Julie: subgroup overlap is possible, this could be place to talk about overlap in topics - Reminder to use the [ metadatawg] prefix in subject lines for list postings
- How to best use larger Metadata WG calls
- Subgroup Reports
Technical Metadata Working Group
- Technical Metadata Call 2015-04-15
Technical Metadata Call 2015-04-21
a. group has had 2 calls, notes are on the subgroup page
b. both meetings focused on creating a technical profile for the Sufia sprint
c. Europeana folks have offered assistance, had a call yesterday where they worked through Justin's profile to see if it was compatible with the Europeana profile
d. Europeana application profile is great; we'll be adopting pretty much everything there and adding just a little
Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group
Applied Linked Data Call 2015-04-15
a. initial call focused on introductions, initial goals and topics to focus on
b. possible linked data fragment implementation on Hydra Labs (there are some notes about this on subgroup page)
c. focused on getting sample code in Hydra Labs and bringing it back to the larger group for more discussion
c. Other topics: faceting and searching linked data in the application, being able to search on alt labels, recommendations on linked data vocabularies; approaches to caches
d. long term preservation of linked data will be out of scope
e. Deliverables: document/best practice guidelines that can help people deal with these issues. Steven: The tech to help with this may not yet exist but guidance is still useful for how to start and what does exist
f. Should the group be an Interest Group instead of a Working Group? Karen: Keep going as a Working Group
Applied Linked Data Call 2015-04-15
- Subgroup overlap, meeting scheduling
- concerns about bandwith since people are on multiple subgroups
- Rights Metadata Working Group to meet directly after today's call, this will be group's new meeting time
- Descriptive Metadata Working Group will begin meeting in May after work of Technical Metadata group is finished. Meeting time will be Wed. 10PST on alt weeks that main group doesn't meet
Technical Metadata Working Group
- Issues / Questions
- Non-RDF Technical metadata and pcdm structure (via pcdm:hasRelatedFile)
Problem: you've got a digital file with related non-RDF metadata that can't be directly attached to the files. How can these relationships be expressed?
People in Fedora 3 have properties that link different files that are derived from each other. Some existing practice on this; good place to look
Ben: we have generic file object in Sufia, has principle content datastream and other datastreams from that object have relationships to it on the Rails end
- Esme: we can create a vocabulary for describing inter-file relationships. Example, if converting an image to a different format, that's one relationship, if cropping or color change to meet a standard, that's a different relationships, etc
- Does it fall under Technical Metadata Subgroup's scope to make a recommendation on this? Group says yes.
- Technical Metadata group will propose possible solution(s)/option(s)
- Non-RDF Technical metadata and pcdm structure (via pcdm:hasRelatedFile)
- Additional Items
- If using Google hangouts for subgroup meetings, use same hangout link every time and post the link on the subgroup page
- For Applied Link Data, do we still want to post to Islandora listserv? Nick thinks it would be good, somewhat related Islandora Metadata Interest Group being formed, one of their interests is applied linked data, if the Hydra group's wrk goes out to the Islandora folks that could be helpful
- Action Items
- Work continues on deliverables
- Karen will update Hydra Google Calendar with updated meeting times
, multiple selections available,
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