Introductions / Attendees:
Steven Anderson -- Interested in moving to LDP & Linked Data.
Trey Terrell -- Oregon Digital. Hydra runs all linked data
Corey Harper-- Interested, particularly SOLR &
Arwen Hutt -- Metadata Focus. Everyone encouraged her to stay on
Aaron Coburn -- DOing stuff with linked data, need to know how to do it
Andrew Woods -- LDP for Fedora. Also interested in PCDM
Rob Anderson -- Linked Data & Standards. Member of W3C LDP Group
Is this about LDP or linked data in general?
What do we mean by LDP? The spec?
- Is this about using Linked Data in Hydra?
- Other names? Applied Linked Data? Linked Data Apps
- People liked Applied LD. Need to run by Karen E
Linked Data Fragments Report-out
- Triple Pattern Fragments as basic subset
- Matching Triples for S-P-O
- LDF Client, can run query against interface & do sparql filters client side
- Explicit ranking of results to a matched keyword to allow for aggregation of linked data results
- Next steps of building a Ruby interface for this (potentially in projecthydra-labs)
- LDP Paging in header spec vs. LDF having a "next page" in the data
- Rob's point that this break's the distinction between the data & metadata
- From practical point of view, we'd need to determine which paging spec to adopt
- Because we're already using LDP, it makes sense to do paging in the LDP way.
- Though arguably, LDP & LDF serve different potential purposes. Restful Repo vs. query UI [RS: +1 to this distinction if the two can be kept separate]
- Getting not only the primary label for faceting but also having the alt label available for searching and such,
- Idea of linked data as a discovery tool as well as display
- Talk of using a messanging system when once your label is updated in your Linked Data interface, it runs a background job to update all of the objects in the system.
- No atomic updates in SOLR, so you need to reindex the whole object. That's the bottleneck.
Questions of pesistence.
- Storing a local mirror; local proxies with local URIs owl:sameAs'd to the source
- But you don't necessarily want to "own" triples that you dont' really have ownership for
- This is potentially a preservation question
- Cache triple with subject id.loc and cache label from id.loc autocomplete api. Keep cached predicate for fall-back
How to do this solr stuff:
- Faceting & cross references
- Builds on Oregon Digital or Linked Vocabs?
- Sidecar triplestore; Oregons use MongoDB, hoping to move to Marmota
- indexes internally in Jena
- Those triples are indexed in "SOLR Yards"