Samvera Metrics Interest Group
Samvera Metrics Interest Group
This group has been retired due to lack of activity.
Scope and Objectives
This groups discusses traditional and emerging scholarly and web metrics in the context of Hydra repositories, including:
- Submitter/author usage reporting and delivery
- Administrative usage reporting and delivery
- Integrations with 3rd party impact assessment tools
- Standards for scholarly analytics
- Web analytics
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The objective of the group is to cultivate and identify interest and expertise on these topics within the Hydra Community, and to discuss Hydra-specific implementation issues surrounding these tools and standards.
- James Van Mil (University of Cincinnati), facilitator
- Rosalyn Metz (Stanford)
- Michelle Dalmau (Indiana University)
- Chris Awre (University of Hull)
- Tom Cramer (Stanford)
- Hannah Frost (Stanford)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
- Deborah Cane (Northwestern University)
- Amy Neeser (University of Michigan)
- Nathan Tallman (University of Cincinnati)
- Katherine Lynch (Temple University)
- Patricia Hswe (Penn State)
- Ellen Ramsey (University of Virginia)
- Steve Van Tuyl (Oregon State University)
- sally.rumsey (University of Oxford)
- DLF Digital Library Assessment group
- Wiki
- Google Group
- White paper: Konkiel, Stacy; Dalmau, Michelle; Scherer, David (2015): Altmetrics and analytics for digital special collections and institutional repositories. figshare. http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1392140Retrieved 13:09, Aug 10, 2015 (GMT)
- IRUS-UK service (National COUNTER-compliant IR statistics aggregation) / Hull gem: https://github.com/uohull/irus_analytics
- NISO Alternative Assessment Metrics (Altmetrics) Initiative
- 3rd party integrations
Meeting notes
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