SUI - 2015-11-06 Kickoff Meeting

SUI - 2015-11-06 Kickoff Meeting


  • Introductions
  • Current state of Sufia usage and plans for PCDM
  • Review the existing Sufia UI wireframes
  • Propose additions, changes, tweaks, etc.
  • Collaborative environment
  • Frequency of meetings


Sonya Betz (University of Alberta)

Mark Bussey (Data Curation Experts)

Trevor Dobias (University of Michigan)

Anna Headley (Chemical Heritage Foundation)

Linda Newman (University of Cincinnati)

Lynette Rayle (Cornell University)

Sue Richeson (University of Virginia)

Simone Sacchi (Columbia University)

Michael Tribone (Penn State)

David Trujillo (University of California San Diego)

Hui Zhang (Oregon State University)

Core Dump of Notes


New Changes for PCDM
Migration from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4
One Code base
Fork of Curation Concerns
DSpace to Sufia, prototype, out-of-the-box
Improve the UI, better workflow, better experience 
Looking to use Sufia
Contribute back to the community
Hydra works
  • user interface, submitting content, complex, smooth the flow, transparent as possible, different driver other than PCDM tech exposed in the interface
  • look at information architecture, experience at a higher level, option get hidden, different user personas, librarians, general, student user, separate cataloging, 
  • developing personas, faculty, grad students, experience complex, full set of metadata
  • point-of-view of a new user, what are the key fields, showing more when needed, customs user settings for level of information
  • ability to hide the metadata fields that aren’t required, reworking required fields, the ability to use template based on resource type or role
  • handling feature requests, different templates for show and admin, DOI, more than just the UI part
  • enhancements for users, what about a super user?, greater ability for admins for when students or others get stuck, a lot more reporting for the admin side
  • digging into wireframes and using personas as a lens, thinking about create, view, and manage, better workflow
  • we should start with certain actions i terms of analyzing the wireframes
  • sharing research with the team in terms of what has been done with other IRs using Sufia
  • browsing collections and browsing collections for general users
  • customization and the ability to turn off/on things like collections
  • point-of-view varies by institutions
  • the ability to upload mass amounts of things and add metadata later
  • what about the power user in the process
  • we should concentrate on fewer screens for the user, the ability to resume metadata
  • some use cases involve the graduation process with works and ETds
  • We should look at different  flows for different work types
  • the process should be iterative and looking at curation and work types and users and the timing of the project
  • things to consider outside of the current process is mediated deposit, batch ingest, batch ingest with deposit,   


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