UI Wireframes

UI Wireframes

Exploring Wireframes

START HERE: Home (logged in user)

Quick access to pages: Ā click mockup ID links in the tables below.

Error rendering macro 'toc' : For input string: " 2 "


Toolbar menus

  • show on all pages for logged in users
  • do not show when a user isn't logged in
  • NOTE: Admin menu has new functionality that will likely become part of phase 2.Ā  It also includes the concept of a super_admin which will also likely be part of phase 2.Ā  For phase 1, the Admin menu will be limited to existing admin functionality which anyone with the role of admin can access.


Ā Effort

Toolbar Item Sub-item Goes to mockup IDā€¦ Goes to routeā€¦


Ā  Admin Ā  Ā  /admin/dashboard Ā 
NEW Ā  Admin-Dashboard p2-admin-dashboard /admin/dashboard

Completely NEW - probably should be phase 2

Show stats on things like count of all works, collections, users, etc

This shows stats for whole site regardless of who created/owns/has permissions.Ā  Restricted to super_admin.

CHANGE/ NEW Ā  Manage Users



Admin part is NEW - probably should be phase 2

/users shows a list of users and is available to all users; doesn't appear that admins can block or remove users

With addition of block/remove abilities, this is restricted to super_admin.

Ā  Ā  Manage Roles p1-admin-manage_roles /roles

Should this become /admin/roles for consistency?

Restrict to super_admin.

NEW Ā  Manage Works p2-admin-manage_works /admin/works

Completely NEW - probably should be phase 2

This shows all works regardless of who created/owns/has permissions.Ā  Restricted to super_admin.

NEW Ā  Manage Collections Ā  /admin/collections

Completely NEW - probably should be phase 2

This shows all collections regardless of who created/owns/has permissions.Ā  Restricted to super_admin.

Ā  Ā  Repository Stats Ā  /admin/stats Restrict to super_admin.
Ā  Ā  Message Queues Ā  /admin/queues Restrict to super_admin.
Ā  Dashboard Ā  p1-dashboard-dashboard /dashboard Ā 


Ā  Dashboard p1-dashboard-dashboard /dashboard Ā Add 'See more...' links to individual pages for notifications, user activities, transfers.
Ā  Ā  Notifications p1-dashboard-notifications /notifications Ā 
MOVE/CHANGE Ā  User Activity p1-dashboard-activity /activity Change dashboard to show first X activities (I believe this is already configured, but can be high). Need to create an User Activities page. Currently, it is shown in dashboard and user profile. Move from Profile -> Activity to its own page.Ā  Show summary in profile with link to See all user activitiesā€¦Ā  Show summary on Dashboard Summary with link to See all user activitiesā€¦ QUESTION: Would show all user activities actually show all? If so, probably need a paging system as this list can get very long for some users.
MOVE Ā  Transfers p1-dashboard-transfers /transfers Transfers does not currently have its own page. One would need to be created. NOTE: Link "Select files to transfer" takes you to My Files.Ā  If you select multiple, there doesn't appear to be a way to do the transfer.Ā  It looks like it is one at a time via the action menu.
MOVE Ā  Highlights Dashboard - Highlights - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes /dashboard/highlights Move from Dashboard -> My Highlights tab to its own page.
MOVE Ā  Shares Dashboard - Shares - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes /dashboard/shares Move from Dashboard -> Files Shared with Me to its own page
Ā  Works Ā  Ā  /dashboard/works Ā 
MOVE Ā  My Works My Works - Phase 1 - UI Wireframe /dashboard/works Move from Dashboard -> My Works tab to its own page.
NEW Ā  New New Work - Metadata Tab - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes /works/new See also Add Files to Work - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes which is accessed from New Work and Show Work pages.
CHANGE Ā  Batch New Batch New Works - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes /works/new/batch Add ability to add multiple works each with a single file.
Ā  Collections Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
MOVE Ā  My Collections My Collections - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes /dashboard/collections Move from Dashboard -> My Collections tab to its own page.
Ā  Ā  New p1-collections-new /collections/new Ā 
Ā  user_id Ā  Ā  users/auser@example-dot-com Ā 
Ā  Ā  View Profile p1-user_id-view_profile users/auser@example-dot-com Ā 
Ā  Ā  Edit Profile p1-user_id-edit_profile users/auser@example-dot-com/edit Ā 
Ā  Ā  Logout p1-home-no_user users/sign_out Ā 

Header Menu Bar

  • suggest moving About, Help, and Contact to a footer menu
  • add browse menubar item

Ā Effort

Menu Item Sub-item Goes to mockup IDā€¦ Goes to routeā€¦


Ā  Home Ā 

Home for guest - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes

Home for user - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes

/ Ā 
Ā  Browse Ā  Ā  /browse/collections configurable to default to a specific browsing sub menu item (default=collections)
NEW Ā  Collections p1-browse-collections /browse/collections

show all public collections

clicking collection title drills down showing sub-collections and works

clicking (i) next to collection title goes to show page for collection

POTENTIAL CONFUSION: If a work is listed under /browse/collections, can the user continue to drill down into the work?Ā 

NEW Ā  Works p1-browse-works /browse/works

show all public works

clicking work title drills down showing sub-works

clicking (i) next to work title goes to show page for work

NEW Ā  Authors p1-browse-authors /browse/authors show all authors; clicking author drills down to show works by the author
NEW Ā  Subjects p1-browse-subjects /browse/subjects show all subjects; clicking subject drills down to show works with that subject


Ā  Ā 


Consider moving to footer menu


Help Ā  Ā  /help Consider moving to footer menu
MOVE Contact Ā  Ā  /about Consider moving to footer menu


Show Pages

  • Are there show pages for Files?


Ā Effort

Object Type State Members Goes to mockup IDā€¦ Goes to routeā€¦


Ā  Collection Logged Out no members p1-show-collection-lo-no_members /collections/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā 

with sub-collections

p1-show-collection-lo-sub_collections /collections/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with works p1-show-collection-lo-works /collections/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with both p1-show-collection-lo-both /collections/{id} Primary changes to Collection show page are described in this wireframe. Other Collection -> Logged Out wireframes show variants of Items in this Collection section of show page based on number and type of members.
Ā  Ā  Logged In no members p1-show-collection-li-no_members /collections/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with sub-collections p1-show-collection-li-sub_collections /collections/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with works p1-show-collection-li-works /collections/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with both p1-show-collection-li-both /collections/{id} Primary changes to Collection show page are described in this wireframe. Other Collection -> Logged In wireframes show variants of Items in this Collection section of show page based on number and type of members.
Ā  Works Logged Out

no members

p1-show-work-lo-no_members /works/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with sub-works p1-show-work-lo-sub_works /works/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā 

with one file

p1-show-work-lo-one_file /works/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with multiple-files p1-show-work-lo-multiple_files /works/{id} Primary changes to Work show page are described in this wireframe. Other Works -> Logged Out wireframes show variants of Items in this Work section of show page based on number and type of members.
Ā  Ā  Ā  with both p1-show-work-lo-both /works/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Logged In no members Show Work with no members to user - Phase 1 - UI Wireframes /works/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with sub-works p1-show-work-li-sub_works /works/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with one file p1-show-work-li-one_file /works/{id} Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  with multiple-files p1-show-work-li-multiple_files /works/{id} Primary changes to Work show page are described in this wireframe. Other Works -> Logged In wireframes show variants of Items in this Work section of show page based on number and type of members. See also...
Ā  Ā  Ā  with both p1-show-work-li-both /works/{id} Ā 


Edit Pages

Ā Effort

Object Type Editing Goes to mockup IDā€¦ Goes to routeā€¦


Ā  Collection descriptive metadata Ā  /collections/{id}/edit Ā 
Ā  Work Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
Ā  Ā 

descriptive metadata

Ā  /works/{id}/edit/description Move from tab:Descriptions to its own page. Clicking Save returns you to show page.
Ā  Ā  visibility Ā  /works/{id}/edit/visibility Move from tab: Permissions to its own page. Clicking Save returns you to show page.
Ā  Ā 

re-upload files

Ā  /works/{id}/edit/version Move from tab: Versions to its own page. Clicking Save returns you to show page.
Ā  Works Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
Ā  Ā  batch edit multiple works Ā  /batch_edits/edit?batch_document_ids[]={id}&batch_document_ids[]={id2}... Tabs: Descriptions, Permissions, Metadata Workflow. Needs DONE button or something to make it clearer to user how to return to My Works page.