SUI - Personas


Behaviors and Beliefs

  • no time to learn new tasks

  • expectation that online tools should be easy to use

  • little familiarity with licensing and copyright restrictions

Goals and Needs

  • grant agency requirements to deposit peer-reviewed publications into OA repository

  • depositing items himself (not using grad student or admin asst)

  • embargo period requirement

  • wants to share content on deposit

  • would like integration with other systems to avoid duplication of effort (eg researcher profiling tools, faculty annual reporting requirements)

  • organize documents in personal collections

  • create, edit, delete, and structure works

    • extends to works and files within a work as well

  • save a work

    • work stays in “draft” state until it’s decided to be complete

  • publish or unpublish a specific work

  • upload documents and enter metadata

  • upload multiple documents to a single work (e.g. paper, presentation, dataset)

  • upload multiple documents each to a separate work (e.g. multiple papers uploaded at one time)

  • upload a “batch file” to quickly create complex works

    • A “batch file” will be parsed and works will be created according to the structure and data therein.

      • E.g., a spreadsheet populated with work-level metadata, a ZIP archive that has the intended sub-work hierarchy reflected in its file directory structure, etc.

  • see stats on own work

  • wants to view history of activity performed on a work

  • wants to associate his/her name with ORCID

  • wants to have a profile page that aggregates all his/her articles

  • wants metadata auto-fill during ingestion such as using DOI to pull that information

  • wants to link different works (e.g. publication and data) both within the repository and between the repository and an external source.

Core Characteristics

  • desired degree of control over metadata: Medium

  • desired degree of control over files: high (read: “versioning”)

  • frequency of use: Infrequent

  • first time user: YES

Research Assistant

Behaviors and Beliefs

  • uploads research on behalf of department or Researcher

  • might be tapped by a PI/faculty to submit content for a lab/project

  • might want to upload his/her own research

Goals and Needs

  • organize documents in personal collections

  • upload documents and enter metadata

  • see stats on his/her own uploaded works/files

  • need to see his/her documents as separated from the documents uploaded oh behalf of somebody else

Core Characteristics

  • desired degree of control over metadata: Low

  • frequency of use: Moderate

  • first time user: Yes

Repository Tech

Behaviors and Beliefs

  • Creating / uploading content is focus of his/her job.

  • Doesn't feel she has decision-making authority

  • Doesn't have expertise in the content area

Goals and Needs

  • Upload documents or images and enter metadata

  • Upload hundreds to thousands of documents or images at one time, in a variety of configurations into works / collections.

  • Expects to find metadata from another source (finding aid, OPAC)

  • Uploads and metadata creation should be mediated by a content expert.

Core Characteristics

  • desired degree of control over metadata: Low

  • frequency of use: High-use

  • first time user: No


Behaviors and Beliefs

  • Item-level expert in his collections

  • Wants to use authorities and standards but still values local data conventions

  • More focused on digital humanities than digital collections

  • Believes digital object should drive use of physical object

Goals and Needs

  • Needs to batch upload files into a work

  • Needs to ingest very large files

  • Wants to associate different objects or file types with one another

  • Wants to integrate objects with other collections across the organization

  • Wants to provide digital objects as touchstones for more experiential digital projects (like online exhibits, games)

  • Needs to approve/deny an item becoming public

  • Wants the flexibility of managing metadata schema of individual collection

Core Characteristics

  • desired degree of control over metadata: HIGH

  • frequency of use: Sporadic

  • first time user: NO



Behaviors and Beliefs

  • Supervises proxy/tech/student work

  • Collections-level expert

  • Believes digital object should drive traffic to collection-level finding aid

  • Believes digital organization & description should reflect physical & intellectual organization.

  • Feels ethically obligated to restrict private information / materials

Goals and Needs

  • Needs to ingest a moderate (1-2 dozen) number of files into a collection, in a variety of works configurations:

    • All files onto one work

    • Each file onto its own work

    • X files onto Y works, where X > Y

  • Needs to upload new versions of files

  • Needs to provide different levels of access (including embargoes and leases) per work

  • Needs to assign roles for a specific collection

  • Needs to control all content within a specific collection

  • Wants a 2-way data relationship with a more authoritative collections management system

  • Needs to integrate into a robust digital preservation system, or feel confident about minimum preservation functionality in repository

  • Wants a mechanism of importing/exporting contents from Sufia (could be command line or similar to OAI-PMH)

  • Wants version control

Core Characteristics

  • desired degree of control over metadata: VERY HIGH

  • frequency of use: HIGH

  • first time user: NO


Repository Administrator / Manager

Behaviors and Beliefs

  • Wants people to use the repository (deposit into, and find and download items from)

  • Wants control over all items, collections and users

  • Needs administrative functions that allow her to effectively manage users and items

  • Primary stakeholder in decision-making for end user functionality

  • Works closely with end-user groups and individuals, recruiting content, troubleshooting issues, marketing repository

  • Values access to repository, dislike “silos” - importance of items being discoverable via high use tools (google scholar)

  • Tech savvy but not a developer

Goals and Needs

  • find & edit all items, collections, users

  • wants easy-to-use dashboard functionality, and speedy load times for large volume of content

  • deeply invested in functionality for end-users

  • wants to see metrics at item, collection, and user levels (and generate/export reports)

  • wants to be able to communicate easily with users in the system

  • wants to be able to highlight successful collections and users on the home page without having to get into the code.

  • Wants to be able to correct bad metadata in bulk

  • wants provenance/event for collection and item about history of changes and motivations

Core Characteristics

  • desired degree of control over metadata: VERY HIGH

  • frequency of use: HIGH

  • first time user: NO