Administrative Sets

Administrative Sets

This is a proposed feature scoping for release one

Hydramata Release One will have two distinct types of collections

  • User Collections
  • Administrative Sets

User Collections:  These are grouping of works, collections and people that any user in the system can collect. 

Examples include:

  • A history professor collects a group of images that have to do with railroads. The professor finds these through search, some belong to the Library, some are his own snapshots. He shares this grouping with his class. 
  • A faculty is following the publications by others on campus relating to the movie Psycho. Therefore she creates a collection called Pyscho which contains, people who are publishing about the subject, any collections about it from the library, articles in the system written by other faculty pertaining some how to Psycho

Features of User Sets:  

  • Can be created by anyone
  • Can contain works, collections, people that are allowed to be collected. If I can discover it, I can collect it, even if it is not mine. 
  • Have access control setting options identical to works.
  • Are objects in the repository.
  • The collection level object has NO bearing on objects within the collection. Does not convey rights to objects in the collection.
  • Does not convey ownership of objects in the collection.
  • Have metadata: name, description

Administrative Sets: Administrative sets enable the management of large collections of works by libraries or administrative units

Examples include: 

  • The graduate school manages all of the dissertations from PHD graduates. The need to batch upload 10,000 works (files + metadata) and have the system create the works and the user profiles for each one. 
  • A library has a set of 5,000 Environmental impact statements in PDF form. The library department needs to upload, manage and make available these works. Each has the same access control settings and only a few staff should be able to have CRUD or some level of access to them, though these staff may be located in different departments organizationally. They'll want to provide contact information for their library, in case anyone has questions about the works in the collection. 

Features of Admin Sets:

  • Must be associated with an Organization (administrative unit)  
  • Can only be created by a user designated as the specific "Organization Manager" 
  • Have roles associated with the set (Manager, Depositor, Editor)
  • Should be discoverable by a facet  
  • Have metadata (Name, description)
  • Have default access control settings 
    • new items added to the collection will receive the default setting, which can be overridden on an individual item basis
  • Items in admin sets can only belong to one admin set (but could belong to multiple User Collections)
  • Can not contain other admin sets  
  • Can not contain "People"





---------Disregard below for now------------

Key Questions:  

Who can create an admin set?

  • Can a general user specify a admin set to deposit into? Are they restricted on which they can use?
  • Can a user choose "no admin set"?
  • If a particular admin set is chosen, who approves it? What does the approval process look like? Is there more than one approver?


Should Curate be able to work without using admin sets at all?

What roles need to exist for use in admin sets?

How granular should those role/permissions be?

Can admin sets hold other admin sets? Is there a hierarchy of collections?

  • Do we need administrative units?

Can an admin set be ordered?

Can an item belong to more than one admin set?

  • If I have submitter rights to a specific admin collection, do I retain rights over that item say to add to another admin sets


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