Indiana University's Response to Administrative Sets

Indiana University's Response to Administrative Sets

Adminstrative Sets:

For IU only two of the examples, master's thesis and ETD's apply to our use of an Institutional Repository. Library collections, archival materials and other digitized content would go into our general repository, where we have created applications to handle bulk and individual object ingestion.

Key Questions:  

Who can create an admin set?

  • Can a general user specify a admin set to deposit into? Are they restricted on which they can use?
  • Can a user choose "no admin set"?
  • If a particular admin set is chosen, who approves it? What does the approval process look like? Is there more than one approver?


Should Curate be able to work without using admin sets at all?

My initial thought was that an admin set could be create and maintained only by staff with administrative privileges, but I soon saw that such a system wouldn't work. I guess it is not clear to me the real purpose of admin sets. We may want to distinguish the type of a collections as admin set but it seems to be that all the behaviors we are talking about for admin sets would apply to collections as well. 

What roles need to exist for use in admin sets?

Defining admin sets as a type of collection, I would say you need:

1 or more collection owners (CRUD all content)

1 or more contributors (CRUD content with their ID)

1 or more editors (can modify all (or assigned) content but can not add content)

1 or more reviewers (can add comments but can neither modify or create content)


How granular should those role/permissions be? see above.

Can admin sets hold other admin sets? Is there a hierarchy of collections?

I think this is an issue for all collections, not just admin sets.

  • Do we need administrative units?

  • I would say that we need organizational units and that a potential type of organizational unit would be administrative.

Can an admin set be ordered?

Isn't this also a collection level questions?

Can an item belong to more than one admin set?

I would say that an item can belong to zero or more collections.

  • If I have submitter rights to a specific admin collection, do I retain rights over that item say to add to another admin sets