Phase 2 Release Goals

Phase 2 Release Goals

Completed features for Hydramata can be found here: Completed Deliverables Phase 1

Draft Goals (Each Number represents a point release):

Start Sprinting 12/9/13

  • Next Release Candidate (needs to be regrouped by product owners into 4-5 point releases, and introduce release versioning scheme)
    1. Organization and UX Improvements
      1. Organization Support
      2. Flexible Authentication/Authorization
      3. Content Submission UX Improvements
      4. Notification System
    2. Mediated Workflows
      1. Administrative Sets: digital collections, projects (depends on 1a)
        1. Administrative Roles defined via authorization systems
      2. Mediated Submission Workflow (depends on 1a,1c,2a)
        1. Baseline general submission to publish workflow that may be copied and adapted for other needs like ETDs (see 2d below)
      3. ORCID Integration (depends on 1b)
      4. Submission Workflow applied to ETD (depends on 2a,2b)
        1. Includes student submission and advisor review workflow
    3.  Staging and Admin Support
      1. Large file/Many files deposit staging support (i.e. utilize BrowseEverywhere for upload)
      2. Bulk Ingest Support and Workflow
        1. Includes automated watching of a deposit folder while leveraging 3a
      3. Administrative Interface for managing content (i.e. taking content down if it needs to be hidden)
      4. Image Viewer Integration (IIIF compliant)
    4. Flexible install and configuration
      1. Installable Solution Bundle
      2. Flexible/Simple UI Branding
      3. Flexible DOI provider
  • Future Release
    1. Applied Workflows and Metrics (cont.)
      1. Digital Production Collection Workflow and Automation (depends on 1a,1d,2a,2b,3a,3d in release above)
        1. Cover anything additional not already covered by bulk ingest workflow above, such as record import, automated metadata parsing and creation, etc.
      2. Profile Metrics (Impact Factor Integration?) (depends on 1b above)
    2. Metrics, authority, ORCID, Discovery
      1. Authority and Controlled Vocabulary Integration
      2. Google Scholar Support
      3. Integration with main discovery tool (e.g. Primo, Summon, RSS Feeds)
    3. Advanced Content View, Additional Bundle/Plugin Support
      1. Large Data Support and Submission Workflow (depends on 3a in release above)
        1. Cover any additional concerns related to large data ingesting, parsing, indexing, and reviewing different from other content types.  Also, likely to have Fedora 4 related work that needs to be coordinated for this.
      2. Avalon: Audio/Video Streaming (depends on 3a in release above)
      3. Publish to exhibits
      4. SHARE Integration
      5. Data Visualization
      6. Publish to Journal


*Still need to group point releases into larger release

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