SUI Research

SUI Research

We can use this space to add or link out to research that we have done on Sufia-related projects. Sharing our research is a good thing.


University of Alberta Sufia User Testing

I've shared a Google folder with our testing plan, script for testing with faculty and grad students, and high level summary of results. Ā 


We conducted two rounds of testing.

  • Round 1 included 6 participants, all Library staff that are trained in our mediated deposit process. None had seen Sufia before, but were very familiar with the language and processes of our existing institutional repository.
  • Round 2 included included 7 participants, 4 faculty and 3 grad students. None had seen Sufia, and several had never used our existing IR either.

Results for both groups were very consistent. The issues we captured were representative of usability barriers that were experienced by most or all of the participants from both groups.

Note that ERA is the name of our repository, and some of the results relate specifically to language we use for fields in our deposit form, so are not universally applicable.

Questions? Contact me at sonya.betz@ualberta.ca