Sufia Call 2013-03-07

Sufia Call 2013-03-07

Sufia Call from March 7th, 2013


  • Moderator: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
  • Notetaker: Adam Wead (RockHall)
  • Attendees:
    • Jeff Minelli (PSU)
    • Jeremy Fresien (ND)
    • Banu (ND)
    • Julie Rudder (NW)
    • Mike Stroming (NW)
    • Justin Coyne (DCE)
    • Dan Coghlin (PSU)
Note: Actionable items are in bold


  1. Purpose of the calls, community update
    1. Brief timeline of sufia (ScholarSphere, ND, DCE, WGBH, NU, others)
    2. Multiple institutions developing sufia, how to manage that and make sure we're developing something we can all use without having to fork it or duplicate work?
    3. Canonical repo for tickets is DCE's
      1. github.com/dsc/sufia
      2. Dan Coughlin: Moving issues and tickets from other sufia forks to DCE's sufia
    4. Canonical repo for collections work is Penn State's
      1. Currently happening in PSU's sufia fork
      2. justin: we should merge all these / jeremy: what is sufia and should it include collections? Should it be a part of hydra?
      3. mike g: Sufia+Hydra discussions should happen at the next partners meeting 
      4. justin: we should really move together, Hydra + Sufia; has allowed most to push to the hydraproject github account
    5. Questions
      1. Who has an instance of sufia running (whether dev or prod)?
        1. PSU
        2. ND, two apps:
          1. Old ScholarSphere version, grant-funded
          2. CurateND, will be up on github soon; good conversation point on what is sufia
            1. https://github.com/ndlib/curate_nd
        3. WBGH will soon have one; preview here http://wgbh.curationexperts.com ; demo VM coming soon
      2. Who is working on a new instance of sufia?
        1. NW: kicking the tires
          1. Julie: need ETD and collection support
      3. Who is considering sufia?
      4. Who is curious about sufia?
      5. Who is looking to replace an existing IR system with sufia? (If so, what system?)
  2. Structure of the calls
    1. Roll call
    2. Call for new items
    3. New features on the radar
      1. What features have you beed adding to your apps
        1. WGBH -> stats
    4. Progress on GitHub tickets -- outstanding issues
    5. Questions
    6. Next meeting and volunteers for moderator and notetaker
  3. Questions/Issues
    1. Is anyone doing CI on sufia? Should we hook up Jenkins or Travis?
      1. Justin: Travis is working pretty well
        1. Use the zip file jetty download
        2. Justin: send info to Mike G on how to do that
        3. Travis-ize sufia at LibDevConX
    2. Jeremy: attaching content models
      1. Would benefit AF and Hydra
      2. Sufia processes jobs, attach Hydra model and controller
    3. Justin: Grids that are 140 columns wide... use defaults instead
      1. Mike G: Close to hiring UI/UX developer; do a UI reboot with more bootstrap defaults and fluid layout
      2. Make a plan with the new developer in mind
      3. Justin: taking all the JS out of the views
    4. Justin: logger class is using int instead of boolean and other fields that aren't used
      1. Mike G: next Sphere/Sufia release
      2. Privacy concerns in logger displaying who's looked at what
      3. Justin is using EBUCore instead of RDF
    5. Adam: currently investigating using Sufia for possible IR solution this summer
      1. want to use sufia to add functions to our own hydra models, ex. file characterization, upload
      2. ideally could use collection-level methods to link to existing archival collection we have defined elsewhere in EAD, but doesn't need to actually be EAD...
      3. Jeremy
        1. we have/want sufia files to be attached to other models, and attach additional metadata
        2. archiving complex "containers" of multiple item types
      4. Justin: using your own UI
        1. catalog, download, and other controllers that can be overridden
    6. Justin: Issue #34, assigned to Mike G.
    7. Julie: non-technical overview of sufia
      1. Julie will follow up, additional call forthcoming
  4. Next meeting
    1. Thursday, April 4th (@ 2pm ET)
    2. Moderator: Mike Giarlo
    3. Notetaker: Adam Wead

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