Sufia Call 2013-03-07
Sufia Call 2013-03-07
Sufia Call from March 7th, 2013
- Moderator: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Notetaker: Adam Wead (RockHall)
- Attendees:
- Jeff Minelli (PSU)
- Jeremy Fresien (ND)
- Banu (ND)
- Julie Rudder (NW)
- Mike Stroming (NW)
- Justin Coyne (DCE)
- Dan Coghlin (PSU)
Note: Actionable items are in bold
- Purpose of the calls, community update
- Brief timeline of sufia (ScholarSphere, ND, DCE, WGBH, NU, others)
- Multiple institutions developing sufia, how to manage that and make sure we're developing something we can all use without having to fork it or duplicate work?
- Canonical repo for tickets is DCE's
- github.com/dsc/sufia
- Dan Coughlin: Moving issues and tickets from other sufia forks to DCE's sufia
- Canonical repo for collections work is Penn State's
- Currently happening in PSU's sufia fork
- justin: we should merge all these / jeremy: what is sufia and should it include collections? Should it be a part of hydra?
- mike g: Sufia+Hydra discussions should happen at the next partners meeting
- justin: we should really move together, Hydra + Sufia; has allowed most to push to the hydraproject github account
- Questions
- Who has an instance of sufia running (whether dev or prod)?
- ND, two apps:
- Old ScholarSphere version, grant-funded
- CurateND, will be up on github soon; good conversation point on what is sufia
- WBGH will soon have one; preview here http://wgbh.curationexperts.com ; demo VM coming soon
- Who is working on a new instance of sufia?
- NW: kicking the tires
- Julie: need ETD and collection support
- NW: kicking the tires
- Who is considering sufia?
- Who is curious about sufia?
- Who is looking to replace an existing IR system with sufia? (If so, what system?)
- Structure of the calls
- Roll call
- Call for new items
- New features on the radar
- What features have you beed adding to your apps
- WGBH -> stats
- Progress on GitHub tickets -- outstanding issues
- Questions
- Next meeting and volunteers for moderator and notetaker
- Questions/Issues
- Is anyone doing CI on sufia? Should we hook up Jenkins or Travis?
- Justin: Travis is working pretty well
- Use the zip file jetty download
- Justin: send info to Mike G on how to do that
- Travis-ize sufia at LibDevConX
- Justin: Travis is working pretty well
- Jeremy: attaching content models
- Would benefit AF and Hydra
- Sufia processes jobs, attach Hydra model and controller
- Justin: Grids that are 140 columns wide... use defaults instead
- Mike G: Close to hiring UI/UX developer; do a UI reboot with more bootstrap defaults and fluid layout
- Make a plan with the new developer in mind
- Justin: taking all the JS out of the views
- Justin: logger class is using int instead of boolean and other fields that aren't used
- Mike G: next Sphere/Sufia release
- Privacy concerns in logger displaying who's looked at what
- Justin is using EBUCore instead of RDF
- Adam: currently investigating using Sufia for possible IR solution this summer
- want to use sufia to add functions to our own hydra models, ex. file characterization, upload
- ideally could use collection-level methods to link to existing archival collection we have defined elsewhere in EAD, but doesn't need to actually be EAD...
- Jeremy
- we have/want sufia files to be attached to other models, and attach additional metadata
- archiving complex "containers" of multiple item types
- Justin: using your own UI
- catalog, download, and other controllers that can be overridden
- Justin: Issue #34, assigned to Mike G.
- Julie: non-technical overview of sufia
- Julie will follow up, additional call forthcoming
- Next meeting
- Thursday, April 4th (@ 2pm ET)
- Moderator: Mike Giarlo
- Notetaker: Adam Wead
, multiple selections available,
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