Sufia Call 2013-04-04

Sufia Call 2013-04-04

Sufia Call from April 4th, 2013


  • Moderator: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
  • Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  • Attendees:
    • Dan Brubaker-Horst (Notre Dame)
    • Banu Lakshminarayanan (Notre Dame)
    • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
    • Julie Rudder (Northwestern)
    • Dan Zellner (Northwestern)
    • Carolin Caizzi (Northwestern)
    • Nicole Finzer (Northwestern)
    • Mike Stromming (Northwestern)
    • Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
    • Adam Wead (Rock Hall)

Note: Actionable items are in bold


  1. Roll call
  2. Call for new items
  3. Next meeting and volunteers for moderator and notetaker
    1. Thursday, May 2nd (@ 2pm ET)
    2. Moderator: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
    3. Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  4. Brief action item review
    1. Justin to send into fo Mike G on how to use zip file for jetty download
      1. https://github.com/ndlib/curate_nd/blob/master/lib/tasks/curatend.rake for reference on how to do this
  5. Recap (of Sufia-relevant bits) from last week's partner meeting
    1. Sufia proposed as Hydra gem
      1. Goal is to discuss development of Sufia more regularly via existing Hydra channels
      2. Other institutions that could put cycles into this as part of the Hydra project
      3. Share the development load/cycles
      4. Moving the community from a framework of tools, to a framework with some turn-key solutions
      5. Mike Giarlo will be proposing to the steering committee that Sufia become 
    2. Microgemification push
      1. Extract micro-services concerning Characterization, Thumbnails, and Anti-Virus.
      2. Provide hooks in the life-cycle of a request to trigger these services (i.e. after :file_uploaded, after :file_content_changed, etc.)
      3. From the outside looking in, Sufia would not change, but configuration options could help with system architecture realities
    3. Others?
  6. Collections
    1. Extracting collections-related functionality from DIL for usage across heads (such as DIL and Sufia, at a minimum). The DIL team will talk through their collections functionality so that we all have a better sense of their design decisions and of the reusability of their approach. Time permitting, the Northwestern folks may also do a live demo of DIL's collections features via screen share.
      1. DILs user collection https://gist.github.com/mstroming/153b46eb5b28045baf9c
      2. Batch collections are separate than the batch edit of hydra - collections concerned with "Can I read"
      3. Technical issues - hydrangea based application with om related terminologies; collection information is stored in Fedora "These are intelectual arrangements" - see the gist for links to the models
        1. RELS-EXT gives most of the information, but ordering is not persisted reliably
        2. UVA - defined has_next and has_previous RDF entries
    2. Distinction between administrative collection vs. intellectual collection
    3. DIL has a "My Uploads Collection" which is auto-created/appended to when a user uploads
  7. Updates and new features on the radar
    1. How's HH6-based sufia branch (new_schema) coming?
      1. SOLR 4 and new SOLR keys
        1. You'll need to resolrize your objects
    2. Travis
      1. Identified that this is a problem with the fixtures and how it relates to the migrations needing knowledge of existing tables
  8. Progress on GitHub tickets -- outstanding issues

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