Sufia Call 2013-04-04
Sufia Call 2013-04-04
Sufia Call from April 4th, 2013
- Moderator: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- Attendees:
- Dan Brubaker-Horst (Notre Dame)
- Banu Lakshminarayanan (Notre Dame)
- Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
- Julie Rudder (Northwestern)
- Dan Zellner (Northwestern)
- Carolin Caizzi (Northwestern)
- Nicole Finzer (Northwestern)
- Mike Stromming (Northwestern)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
- Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
Note: Actionable items are in bold
- Roll call
- Call for new items
- Next meeting and volunteers for moderator and notetaker
- Thursday, May 2nd (@ 2pm ET)
- Moderator: Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Notetaker: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
- Brief action item review
- Justin to send into fo Mike G on how to use zip file for jetty download
- https://github.com/ndlib/curate_nd/blob/master/lib/tasks/curatend.rake for reference on how to do this
- Recap (of Sufia-relevant bits) from last week's partner meeting
- Sufia proposed as Hydra gem
- Goal is to discuss development of Sufia more regularly via existing Hydra channels
- Other institutions that could put cycles into this as part of the Hydra project
- Share the development load/cycles
- Moving the community from a framework of tools, to a framework with some turn-key solutions
- Mike Giarlo will be proposing to the steering committee that Sufia become
- Microgemification push
- Extract micro-services concerning Characterization, Thumbnails, and Anti-Virus.
- Provide hooks in the life-cycle of a request to trigger these services (i.e. after :file_uploaded, after :file_content_changed, etc.)
- From the outside looking in, Sufia would not change, but configuration options could help with system architecture realities
- Others?
- Collections
- Extracting collections-related functionality from DIL for usage across heads (such as DIL and Sufia, at a minimum). The DIL team will talk through their collections functionality so that we all have a better sense of their design decisions and of the reusability of their approach. Time permitting, the Northwestern folks may also do a live demo of DIL's collections features via screen share.
- DILs user collection https://gist.github.com/mstroming/153b46eb5b28045baf9c
- Batch collections are separate than the batch edit of hydra - collections concerned with "Can I read"
- Technical issues - hydrangea based application with om related terminologies; collection information is stored in Fedora "These are intelectual arrangements" - see the gist for links to the models
- RELS-EXT gives most of the information, but ordering is not persisted reliably
- UVA - defined has_next and has_previous RDF entries
- Distinction between administrative collection vs. intellectual collection
- DIL has a "My Uploads Collection" which is auto-created/appended to when a user uploads
- Updates and new features on the radar
- How's HH6-based sufia branch (new_schema) coming?
- SOLR 4 and new SOLR keys
- You'll need to resolrize your objects
- SOLR 4 and new SOLR keys
- Travis
- Identified that this is a problem with the fixtures and how it relates to the migrations needing knowledge of existing tables
- How's HH6-based sufia branch (new_schema) coming?
- Progress on GitHub tickets -- outstanding issues
, multiple selections available,
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