Hyrax Interest Group Call 2023-05-10
Time: 11:30am-12:00pm Eastern
Connection Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
@Rebekah Kati (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Daniel Pierce (Indiana)
Nicholas Honda (Tufts)
Rob Kaufman (SoftServ)
Christine Peterson
Kirsten Leonard (PALNI)
Heather Klein
Hyrax Maintenance Working Group update - Rebekah Kati and Daniel Pierce
Hyrax 4 update
Topics and Projects
Next Dev Congress
Ticket Input
User list: Index User // Nurax
Hyku news
Next meeting: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 11:30am Eastern
Hyrax 4.0.0.rc2 released
Ruby 3.2 support
Testing will be done during next HMWG sprint
Rob: Will RC2 be promoted to stable?
Expected to be promoted after testing is done and any bugfixes done.
Not targeting more features
Dev Congress is coming up
Rob: Recommends to reach out to OSU about GA4 update work in legato.
Feedback needed
Hyrax users list (/users)
Is it being widely used?
Default state seems to be hidden, controlled by feature flipper
Rob suggests replacing with a solution that aligns with other major implementations
Versioning UI is confusing
“Upload a new version” button workflow is not clear, results in generic error message
Can move buttons to more natural positions
Disable button until file is chosen
Rob: Hyku
Ongoing work on pdf processing
Need for sourcing derivatives from multiple locations
Will be available as pair of gems
Rob: Hyrax Valkyrization effort
⅔ of fundraising goal met ($38k raised)
Crystal is prioritizing issues from Valkyrization project board
Work/Collection deposit 1st priority
Embargo/etc next priority
Will report progress at Hyrax Intrest group meetings