Committers Call 2012-07-30
Committers Call 2012-07-30
- Moderator: Matt Zumwalt (MediaShelf)
- Notetaker: Simon Lamb (Hull)
- Ben Armintor (Columbia)
- Adam Wead (Rock Hall)
- Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Dan Coughlin (Penn State)
- Mike Stroming (Northwestern)
- Chris Colvard (Indiana University)
- Chris Beer (Stanford)
- Call for Agenda items
- Next call
- Date: June 6 2012
- Moderator: Chris Beer
- Notetaker: Simon Lamb
- hydra-ldap gem (Dan C.)
- Aiming to merge new developments into core hydra-ldap, changes include:-
- Improved testing, now includes a local 'test ldap' server that spins up for tests
- Penn state will Document changes to help community (including current users Northwestern)
- Mike S: Will test updates for use at Northwestern
- Matt: Regarding semantic versioning 0.* changes can be backward incompatible (perhaps consider 0.* release?)
- Aiming to merge new developments into core hydra-ldap, changes include:-
- Recent emails to the list ; topics raised in IRC
- Active-Fedora - has_file_datastream doesn't support the versionable attribute on a datastream
- Ben has suggested a fix to support versionable attribute on a datastream:-
- *https://github.com/projecthydra/active_fedora/pull/7/files*
- Matt/committers: No issue with the change suggested
- Ben has suggested a fix to support versionable attribute on a datastream:-
- jettywrapper release (Dan C)
- The new version of JettyWrapper doesn't work with current JRuby version (1.6.5) on 'blacklight-jenkins'. Chris B is currently in the process of updating blacklight-jenkins to JRuby 1.6.6
- ActiveFedora release (Mike G.)
- Three commits to ActiveFedora since the last version update. Latest commit warrant a minor release (4.5.0)?
- Group happy to go with a new minor release of AF
- Three commits to ActiveFedora since the last version update. Latest commit warrant a minor release (4.5.0)?
- solrizer release (Matt Z)
- Matt: Mike at Tufts making minor change to Shell script (Delete method previously being called incorrectly)
- Active-Fedora - has_file_datastream doesn't support the versionable attribute on a datastream
- International Dev Network
- Matt: This year and particularly since OR2012 there's been a large amount of interest in Hydra from Europe and Australia.
- Presently Hydra-committers is very localised and close community (developers mostly based in the US)
- Need to think about how we can open up to international hydra committers (in wide reaching timezones)
- hydra_international?
- Possibility of Hydra Camp within Europe and Australia
- Matt: This year and particularly since OR2012 there's been a large amount of interest in Hydra from Europe and Australia.
- very near term work
- Jira
- Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call:
- Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for July 30 (today):