Matt/committers: No issue with the change suggested
jettywrapper release (Dan C)
The new version of JettyWrapper doesn't work with current JRuby version (1.6.5) on 'blacklight-jenkins'. Chris B is currently in the process of updating blacklight-jenkins to JRuby 1.6.6
ActiveFedora release (Mike G.)
Three commits to ActiveFedora since the last version update. Latest commit warrant a minor release (4.5.0)?
Group happy to go with a new minor release of AF
solrizer release (Matt Z)
Matt: Mike at Tufts making minor change to Shell script (Delete method previously being called incorrectly)
International Dev Network
Matt: This year and particularly since OR2012 there's been a large amount of interest in Hydra from Europe and Australia.
Presently Hydra-committers is very localised and close community (developers mostly based in the US)
Need to think about how we can open up to international hydra committers (in wide reaching timezones)
Possibility of Hydra Camp within Europe and Australia
very near term work
Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call: