Discussion on Strategy 3: Growing a Vendor Ecosystem
Discussion on Strategy 3: Growing a Vendor Ecosystem
Strategy 3: Grow the Vendor Ecosystem & Define the Vendor Community Structure
How do we come up with the structure that supports good vendors who contribute to Hydra community?
- International presence is important.
- There is a catch 22. Ā If there is a demand and source of income, there are vendors who would respond in US and UK, possibly elsewhere. Ā There are places that have Ruby specialists, but not Hydra specialist.Ā
- One goal is to grow the environment ā we could focus on regions where there may be hydra growth, but no support/vendor support. Ā
- Should we put out a call to partners?
- Should we do more recruitment of vendors like we did for partners? What is our short list and what is our approach?
- We should make a list of types of vendors and prioritize that list.
- Is there anyone doing rails/ruby work in this community? We could focus on vendors who do this work.
- You could slice business along the lines of Ā 1) custom software developer 2) hosting and 3) training
- There are vendors that support libraries we can focus on.Ā
- What about Dspace support providers? Ā
- Museum spaces are a potential community for growth and possible need for vendor help
- Do we want more vendors or do we want DCE to expand?Ā
- This has to do partly with goals internal to DCE
- It lowers our risk with more vendors
- What vendor support do we really need as a community? Ā
- Seems like training is the most needed thing. Ā We can use that a way to try out people in the community. Ā
- Three spaces: Ā training, bootstrapping implementations, tapping new markets (museums, new type of content, etc). Ā
- Is there going to be a way for the community to certify a vendor? Ā Do you need a certification or is word of mouth and community a better approach. Ā Best to list groups/people, if there are a lot of bad references, bunt them off the list. Ā There is too much overhead in certification. Ā
- Other communities:
- Museum IT - wants a national solution - there would be a market for adopting. Ā
- There has to be someone who is doing hosting for small shops. Ā
- Broadcasters are a new market. Ā Cultural institutions in general - Ā what kind of vendor support would be needed for that? Ā
- Sounds like what we need is someone who can do implementations in Europe, if enough people adopt Hydra - then market grows. Ā
- There are Inter-governmental agencies that are interested in fedora -Ā
- Two adopters/partners are in Denmark. If we want to be proactive in this Europe, one focus should be Finland. Ā Finland has a long history of sending teenagers to US for the year as well there is OR14 Helsinki ā 2014Ā
- It should be noted that there is National Library adoption of Hydra, for example the Royal Library - DenmarkĀ
- Dig Repo of Ireland ?
- A library in Slovenia ?
- Outreach strategies:
- Hydra community is present in the library world - institutions have matured. Ā For example a strong presence existed at Code4lib, we need to be involved and presenting Hydra projects in target communities.
- We should be expanding out through Rails communities. Ā Sectors can be brought together by technologies. Ā We should use their networks to let people know about our community. Ā
- We should do some outreach about inclusive community, we have a community that is healthy and productive. One way to do outreach is to write articles about the Hydra community, Bess has two in the works. Ā
- We need to get the message to sys admins/operations folks. Ā Idea to send dev ops teams Ā for a day workshop. Ā Building on conversation about communication barriers between cooperative between sys admins and developers is important in our training. Ā
- We need a training module here on "Being a Hydra sys admin" and "how do I, as a developer, foster a better relationship with my sys admin"? Ā
- Ruby soloist community, one person consulting shops. Might be worth expanding efforts in that community. Ā
- What we didn't talk about:
- Project and vendor alignment ā however the Steering group has talked about it. Ā We might be trying to solve a problem that we don't understand yet. Ā Maybe look at some vendor resources to expand the community. Ā
Different Ways of Slicing & Dicing the Potential Vendor Community
By Vertical Domains
- public broadcasting
- museums
- other cultural institutions
- government
- Inter-governmental organizations
- etc.Ā
By Geographic Regions
- N. America
- Europe
- Austaliasia
- Africa (EIFL?)
By Services
- training (but Hydra training working group might be covering this)
- hosting
- implementation services
- app support
By Technical Communities
- people offering RoR apps / services
- Lyrasis?
- DSpace consultancies (CILEA, etc.)
- Rails communities
- Rails Conf.
- Ruby Soloists