Wednesday afternoon notes
Wednesday afternoon notes
Afternoon session, Wednesday, December 7, 2011:
Rick Johnson - University of Notre Dame
- The Seaside Research Portal
- Archiving the Worlds first new Urbanist Community
- Each area contains an essay and associated images; e.g. multiple versions of a town plan - can animate to view town over time.
- Blacklight site, backed by data managed in a separate Hydra Head
- Searching - showing search geo-mapped materials.
- Fedora for images; Otherwise content is from Solr
- Working on Blacklight Gem called Atrium
- Atrium - Like Omeka for Blacklight; Gem on top of Blacklight like Hydra; Uses Blacklight database with some added tables;
- Using CKEditor for adding and editing essays
- Can associate facet filters to indicate a collections' scope
- Create Ad-hoc collections; select from available facets for collection to show in search page;
- Can add exhibits to a collection;
- Can have multiple exhibit within a collection; Can add exhibit facet filters, inheriting its collection filters as well.
- Currently have 1 default layout; Plan to have multiple styles to choose from for collections and exhibits
- Will migrate "Seaside" to use Atrium fully.
- Supports hierarchical facets; Can reorder facet hierarchy for a specific exhibit
- 'Customize this page" feature available on any page in the tree.
- Authorization using CanCan
- Next Steps:
- Multiple Style/Layout Templates to choose from
- Index essay full-text content in Solr
- Remove Fedora dependency
- Define a collection from a static list as opposed to a Solr filter
- Starting discussions with campus partners on data management
- As Atrium is a Gem over Blacklight like Hydra, it will need some work to coexist with Hydra;
Richard Green - University of Hull
- Building Hydra over an existing repository
- Public and "Logged in" views
- Object types include:
- ETDs
- Learning materials
- Datasets
- Regulations
- Conference papers…
- Handbooks
- HR documents
- Meeting papers or minutes
- Conference papers or abstracts
- Sets;
- Groups of objects that require context, for example
- Martine animal datasets
- Datasets around doomsday book
- Currently written for Rails 2, but have a development server in Rails 3;
- Sets contain splash page that provides context and then the set of members
- Formats available: html, Excel, PDF, QR Code
- Everything is in MODS, UKETD_DC, and DC Metadata
- Running Proai
- Repository content originates from other sources / workflows besides Hydra
- Rails 3 development system also exposes workflow queue and current workflow state indexed / faceted.
- Plan to use Fedora's JMS messaging to trigger Solr indexing;
- Committee papers Set has a rights datastream, which is copied on new objects associated with that Set.
- Solrizer is doing full-text indexing
- Multiple content models supporting various types; Can hook different Ruby models in for different displays in this way.
- In Production since end of September 2011
- Currently in a JISC funded project - in discussion with History department about their datasets that also contain geo-data; Workflows for processing Access databases; Image collection also needs workflow support;
- No authority control over repository cataloging
- Whats the difference between Hull "structural sets" and Stanford APOs? SS can inherit parent SS policies. APO policies do not inherit.
Ben Armintor - Columbia University
- Version of Argo Set management. Using RELS-EXT for aggregation; Also metadata / facet groupings. Currently using MODS relatedItem;
- Multiple image formats and sizes; Large tiff images too big for Ruby buffering;
- Audio content; Large audio files from digitization process ~ 1G; Segmented into individual interviews; ADL metadata on how splicing/segmenting occurred; METS files for pulling interview segments and their ADL together.
- Happy with Rails 3 support for engines
- There are also transcripts available as associated 'resources' for the audio.
- UVa is also working with media plus transcripts
- Interested in annotations;
- Performs analysis of image technical metadata / geometry into RELS-EXT for decision on what to use for thumbnail and other format sizes.
- Interested in round table on image management models; e.g. when we have multiple derivatives at different sizes
- Indiana University has been making similar use of ADL and METS.
Brad McLean - DuraSpace
- Ongoing conversations about Fedora scaling; Want parallel solution for cloud environments. DuraCloud is interested in this topic;
- Looking at breaking out separate components of Fedora for distributed configuration and dynamic scaling. Also want Fedora to work well in a single system deployment.
- Looking at clustered database solution
- Working on "high level storage"
- DSpace with Fedora inside it. Data round-tripping DSpace <-> Fedora; Now looking at DSpace user interfaces and workflows; Blacklight for end-user pieces; Ingest workflows could be addressed with Hydra heads, one of many possible solutions in discussion. May discuss this in the context of "One week / One head" at this Hydra Partners' meeting.
- With Sloan grant (through 2012), working for version of DuraCloud for researchers who are using cloud-based services for their work and have archivists concerned about how that data will be preserved.
, multiple selections available,
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