2024-06-14 Partner Call
Samvera Partners Call
Friday, May 10th, 2024
11:30 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr
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Code of Conduct
We want Samvera Community calls to be fun, informative, engaging events for all our partners and participants.
We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.
Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers.
Facilitator: @Kirsten Leonard
Note Taker: @Robin Lindley Ruggaber
Robin Ruggaber
Kirsten Leonard
@Nicholas Mark Homenda
@Kevin Kochanski
@Jon Dunn
@Chris Awre
@Karen Cariani
Kate Lynch
Esmé Cowles
David Schober
Heather Greer Klein
Agenda & Notes
Any other items for the agenda?
Discussion: TBD
Regional Meetings Updates and Planning
Midwest - Regional meeting looking to build a programming committee and also considering a portion for unconference. All are welcome, not limited to just the mid-west; no registration fee; hosts will provide some refreshments.
When: 1:00 pm Wednesday, September 25 - 4:00pm Thursday, September 26, 2024
Where: University Library, Indiana University Indianapolis, 755 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis IN 46202
Who: Members of the Samvera Community (including Hyku and Avalon) in the Midwest and beyond: repository managers, developers, librarians, archivists, administrators, and others
Sponsors: Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington, Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI), Indiana University Indianapolis University Library (meeting space provider)
Northeast - Princeton Oct 14-18; Three small events in one week: Samvera, devops, and Blacklight. Samvera Regional event on 10/14-15, DevOps4Lib on 10/16-17, and a Blacklight on 10/18
West Coast - Margaret Mellinger sent a survey: https://forms.gle/4RRm5dHjSwhtkHMN7
First or second week of October - 10/2-10/3 or 10/9-10/10; two half-days
Hosted by Oregon State University at Portland Event Center in Pioneer Square
Committee (so far): Margaret Mellinger, Chrissy Rissmeyer, Julia Simic, Kevin Kochanski
Europe - Call for interest has been sent out. Oxford and British Library have expressed interest in working together to host something at Oxford. in the fall.
End of year virtual meeting/regional meeting review/state of Samvera/2025 planning - week of December 3rd
Throughline and representation at all meetings?
Heather will try to be at each, so they’ll be staggered
Hyrax Group would like an opportunity to interact with community on roadmap items, not enough people attend the calls to make that the best forum for broader feedback
Would be good to have a presence at all the Regional meetings in the fall.
Regional Ambassadors: Are there enough regions represented in the Hyrax WG and Maintenance calls to have someone from each local area attend one of the regional meetings as an ambassador?
Other Updates:
Sign up to present or facilitate a topic (5 - 30 minutes) at a future Partner call. One requested topic without a facilitator is around hiring challenges and approaches. Potential Robin could present on supporting smaller institutions situated in disadvantaged areas.
Hyrax and Hyku development updates:
Hyrax Hyku- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oP54Lft3I9oVZ0-qifUjrMQvpv67-7UyZzuSvEwabUc/edit#heading=h.esu7r1gk1qsq also working on flexible metadata, see notes for additional info.
Hyku 6 is scheduled for release 3rd week of June, Amigos is sponsoring flexible metadata
Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item) nothing noted
Date of next call: July 12th