Aug 23rd, 2017
Aug 23rd, 2017
Time: 1pm EST
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- Steve Van Tuyl (Oregon State University)
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern)
- susan borda (Univ. of Michigan)
- Nabeela Jaffer (Univ. of Michigan)
- jrudder (Cornell)
- Gabriela Montoya (UC San Diego)
- Harsh Parekh (Notre Dame)
- trisha.wilson (Emory)
- Jon Cameron (Indiana University)
Facilitator: Nabeela Jaffer
Notetaker: Steve
Agenda Topics:
- Ideas for the Samvera Connect program! We should certainly have a IG meeting, but maybe some of us have ideas for lightning talks, presentations, posters, etc. Let's brainstorm. Hannah Frost
- Link to program idea: Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program
- Migrating to Hyrax for repo-manager type roles
- workshop proposed by Nabeela Jaffer, jrudder, Steve Van Tuyl and Chris Diaz
- Original thoughts - similar to last year. focused on managing product and service for a samvera repository
- While managing project, what are the tools one can use to assist?
- What workflows can be shared?
- Workshop proposers will meet and bring the workshop ideas back to this group
- When/where to talk about release testing, Hyrax community roadmapping
- this group will most likely be pinged for feedback on hyrax 2.0 and roadmapping beyond
- Other Ideas:
- Audit Hyrax against some standard for levels of data curation
- Steve Van Tuyl will bring the Migrating to Hyrax panel topic back to this group if it is selected
- Update from Release Testing Process subgroup
- adapting the UI interactions document for hyrax user/manager documentation
- talked through the linked notes
- noted some issues emerging in browsers other than Chrome
- Suggested that as part of the testing process, to search Hyrax issues for common browser names to see what issues might be emerging
- Notre Dame is actively working towards automated testing and would like to stay tapped into our testing process
- Want to align with the work we're doing on testing
- UI Interactions Document - this is good and could be a reference for testing purposes, especially if it is easy to refer to specific UI Interactions in reporting testing issues/failures
- UI Interactions Document Discussion
- originally two applications for using it: testing and a user manual
- Chris Diaz is looking at how we might be able to replicate the work of the Documentation Working Group
- has a mockup ready for merge but is in discussion with Documentation WG
- Will meet with Doc WG in next few weeks to hopefullly get this merged
- We would like, maybe, to have a breakout group at Samvera Connect to discuss maintaining and updating that documentation
- Collections Extension Work
- Sprints happening now
- will likely be in Hyrax 2.0 (though not entirely clear)
- Action Item: Ask Lynette Rayle to come talk to this group about Collection Extensions.
- Ideas for the Samvera Connect program! We should certainly have a IG meeting, but maybe some of us have ideas for lightning talks, presentations, posters, etc. Let's brainstorm. Hannah Frost
Meeting Notes:
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